


Review360 supports teachers while providing the recommendations, and resources they need to help improve student wellness, behaviour and academic success.

Presenter(s): Chris Huzinec

Traditional exclusionary disciplinary actions negatively impact all students. Unfortunately, these practices are most often used with students who can least afford to miss out on the instructional process, such as minorities, economically disadvantaged students, and students served in special education. This presentation uses the evaluation of a MTSS program to illustrate a systemic approach to reducing disciplinary actions, including identifying implicit bias, applying restorative justice, and integrating dispositional discipline data in a school’s data-driven decision-making process.  

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Presenter(s): Adam Bauserman, Debbie Wright, Chris Huzinec

As educators reengage with students, information about their behavioral strengths and areas of need play an important role in the decision-making process used with an MTSS framework. This presentation examines how using self-report behavioral screening allows students to convey the impact of this crisis has on their emotions, behaviors, and mental health. It then discusses how a large school district used this information to guide a well-supported reintegration.  

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Presenter(s): Chris Huzinec and Daniella Maglione-Bashner

Your students may have adverse experiences that affect their learning and their behavioral and mental wellbeing. You can help through teaching resiliency. We'll examine a subset of SEL skills that contribute to resiliency and provide strategies to assess and intervene.

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