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Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools

  • William Reynolds

Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS) evaluates and monitors bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences.

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  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    1 option

    from $505.00
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    3 options

    from $95.00
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    3 options

    from $30.90
  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for RBVS

    7 options

    from $30.90
- of 7 results
  • Reynolds BVS Complete Kit (Print)
    0158630009 Qualification Level A

    Includes 1 Manual, BVS-English (Pad of 30), SVAS-English (Pad of 30), BVDS-English (Pad of 30), BVS Scoring Key-English/Spanish and BVDS Scoring Key-English/Spanish


    1-4 $505.00
    5-9 $479.70
    10-24 $454.50
    25-50 $429.20
    51+ $404.00
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • Reynolds BVS Manual (Print)
    0158630017 Qualification Level A


    1-4 $216.70
    5-9 $205.90
    10-24 $195.10
    25-50 $184.30
    51+ $173.40
    Savings are estimated
  • Reynolds BVS Forms Qty 30 (Print)
    0158630025 Qualification Level A


    1-4 $97.50
    5-9 $92.60
    10-24 $87.80
    25-50 $82.90
    51+ $78.10
    Savings are estimated
  • Reynolds BVS Distress Scale Forms Qty 30 (Print)
    015863005X Qualification Level A


    1-4 $95.00
    5-9 $90.10
    10-24 $85.40
    25-50 $80.70
    51+ $75.90
    Savings are estimated
  • Reynolds BVS School Violence Anxiety Scale Forms Qty 30 (Print)
    0158630041 Qualification Level A


    1-4 $95.00
    5-9 $90.10
    10-24 $85.40
    25-50 $80.70
    51+ $75.90
    Savings are estimated
  • Reynolds BVS Scoring Key (Print)
    0158630033 Qualification Level A


    1-4 $32.30
    5-9 $30.70
    10-24 $29.00
    25-50 $27.40
    51+ $25.80
    Savings are estimated
  • Reynolds BVS Distress Scale Scoring Key (Print)
    0158630068 Qualification Level A


    1-4 $30.90
    5-9 $29.40
    10-24 $27.80
    25-50 $26.30
    51+ $24.80
    Savings are estimated


Publication date:
Age range:
BVS: Grades 3 through 12; BVDS: Grades 3 through 12; SVAS: Grades 5 through 12
Qualification level:
Completion time:
5-10 minutes each
Other languages:

Product Details

The results of RBVS can provide benchmarks for identifying a child for intervention, or for identifying what students perceive as a threatening or unsafe school environment.


  • Use in both school and clinical settings.
  • Monitor environmental changes associated with new safe school initiatives.
  • Get a comprehensive picture of a child’s experience of peer-related threat, level of distress, and anxiety related to school safety. 
  • Screening for children who engage in bullying as well as those who are the victims of bullying.
  • Develop individual clinical profiles to understand and treat the psychological underpinnings of bullying and victimization when administered with other instruments like the Beck Youth Inventories.


RBVS is comprised of three self -report, standardized instruments: 

  • Bully Victimization Scale (BVS): consists of two sub-scales and designed to assess bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences in children and adolescents.
  • Bully-Victimization Distress Scale (BVDS): designed to evaluate victimization distress in children and adolescents.
  • School Violence Anxiety Scale (SVAS): a measure of anxiety designed to assess students' perception of school violence and safety.