Q-global Video Proctoring

With Q-global® Video Proctoring you can have the convenience and confidence of face to-face conversation and administration — all within your normal Q-global workflow. You can easily assign one of 40+ assessments and proctor "in person" via video without juggling a third-party platform. Once the assessment is complete, you can remain online with your client to consult or review results. 
- of 2 results
  • Q-global Video Proctoring Subscription 30 Days
    A103000269668 Qualification Level B


  • Q-global Video Proctoring Subscription 1 Year
    A103000269669 Qualification Level B


Product Details

With Q-global® Video Proctoring you can have the convenience and confidence of face to-face conversation and administration — all within your normal Q-global workflow. You can easily assign one of 40+ assessments and proctor "in person" via video without juggling a third-party platform. Once the assessment is complete, you can remain online with your client to consult or review results. As an added value, this subscription allows all your Q-global users under your Q-global Account to have access to Q-global Video Proctoring.

Q-gVP is an account-level subscription, which means all users on your Q-global account will have the ability to use Q-gVP for the cost of a single subscription. You have two options for purchasing a Q-gVP subscription.

Subscription Options




The following training events are available for Q-global Video Proctoring (Q-gVP). 

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