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Wechsler Fundamentals: Academic Skills—Canadian

Obtain an accurate snapshot of an individual's academic progress status
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    de $143.50
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    Livrets, formulaires d'enregistrement, livrets de réponse, rapports d'utilisation et abonnements

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    de $40.80
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    Manuels, livres de stimulation, articles de remplacement et autres matériaux

    4 options

    de $40.80
  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour WF:AS CDN

    27 options

    de $40.80
- de 27 résultats
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Complete Multi-Level Kit
    774755946 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 5 each of Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Grades K-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12, and Adult


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Grades K-3 Kit
    774755903 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 25 Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Grades K-3


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Grades 4-5 Kit
    774755938 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 25 Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Grades 4-5


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Grades 6-8 Kit
    077475592X Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 25 Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Grades 6-8


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Grades 9-12 Kit
    774755911 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 25 Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Grades 9-12


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Adult Kit
    774755954 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration and Scoring Manual, Word Card, Technical and Interpretive Manual (on CD), 25 Summary of Skills Inventory and Record Forms, 25 Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklets, 25 Reading Comprehension Response Booklets for Adults


    1-4 $546.70
    5-9 $519.40
    10-24 $492.10
    25-50 $464.80
    51+ $437.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Upgrade Kit
    774756500 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Technical and Interpretive Manual—Form A and B (on CD), Administration and Scoring Manual Insert—Form B, and Form B Word Card


    1-4 $143.50
    5-9 $136.40
    10-24 $129.20
    25-50 $122.00
    51+ $114.90
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • WF:AS CDN Examiner's Manual
    077475575X Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $202.00
    5-9 $191.90
    10-24 $181.70
    25-50 $171.70
    51+ $161.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Technical Manual
    774755881 Niveau de Qualification B

    CD-ROM Version


    1-4 $100.80
    5-9 $95.80
    10-24 $90.80
    25-50 $85.80
    51+ $80.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Summary of Skills Inventory and Word Reading Record Form Qty 25 (Print)
    774755873 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $60.30
    5-9 $57.30
    10-24 $54.20
    25-50 $51.20
    51+ $48.20
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Multi-Level Form Set Qty 25 (Print)
    774756012 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $153.50
    5-9 $145.80
    10-24 $138.20
    25-50 $130.50
    51+ $122.80
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade K-3 Qty 25 (Print)
    774755962 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 4-5 Qty 25 (Print)
    774755989 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 6-8 Qty 25 (Print)
    774755997 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 9-12 Qty 25 (Print)
    774756004 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Reading Comprehension Response Booklets-Adult Qty 25 (Print)
    774755970 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklet Qty 25 (Print)
    077475589X Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $48.60
    5-9 $46.20
    10-24 $43.80
    25-50 $41.40
    51+ $38.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Multi-Level Form Set Qty 25 (Print)
    774756241 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $153.50
    5-9 $145.80
    10-24 $138.20
    25-50 $130.50
    51+ $122.80
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade K-3 Qty 25 (print)
    774756144 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 4-5 (pkg 25)
    774756152 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 6-8 (pkg 25)
    774756160 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Reading Comprehension Response Booklets Grade 9-12 (pkg 25)
    774756179 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Reading Comprehension Response Booklets - Adult Qty 25 (Print)
    774756187 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Spelling and Numerical Operations Response Booklet Qty 25 (Print)
    774756128 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $48.60
    5-9 $46.20
    10-24 $43.80
    25-50 $41.40
    51+ $38.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Summary of Skills Inventory and Word Reading Record Form Qty 25 (Print)
    077475611X Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $60.30
    5-9 $57.30
    10-24 $54.20
    25-50 $51.20
    51+ $48.20
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form A Word Card
    774755806 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WF:AS CDN Form B Word Card
    774763388 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $40.80
    5-9 $38.80
    10-24 $36.80
    25-50 $34.70
    51+ $32.70
    Les économies sont estimées


Groupe d’âge:
6 to 50 Years Grades K–12
Standard Scores, Grade Equivalents, Age Equivalents, Stanines, Progress Measures
Niveau de qualification:

Détails du Produit


The new Wechsler Fundamentals—Academic Skills: Canadian (WF:AS CDN) allows you to quickly and easily gain an understanding of an individual's reading comprehension, spelling, numerical operations, and word reading skill levels. The test can be administered individually or in a group setting. Based on Canadian norms, the WF:AS CDN can be used as a school-wide screener to identify students at risk of academic failure, or in a clinical context to guide intervention strategies and further diagnostic options based on test results. The empirically-based assessment instrument also provides the ability to monitor progress.


  • Reading Comprehension—assesses early word picture associations and letter sound correspondence in the youngest children. In older individuals, this ecologically valid and improved reading measure can be used to assess reading comprehension with more complex texts.
  • Spelling—assesses a variety of skills, ranging from children's earliest concepts of print through to university level word spelling.
  • Numerical Operations—begins with children's earliest concepts of numbers to problem resolutions in trigonometry and calculus.
  • Word Reading—provides an overview of an individual's decoding skills that can guide a teacher in classroom instruction (optional subtest).


  • Base your evaluation on Canadian norms—available for all subtests
  • Choose from several subtests to obtain a quick insight into academic progress for ages 6 to 50
  • Administer all four subtests in less than an hour
  • Save time with classroom administration for Reading Comprehension, Spelling, and Numerical Operations—administer all three core subtests in one classroom period
  • Obtain an overview of each individual's reading skills with the individually administered Word Reading subtest
  • Obtain a basic understanding of a client's academic skills with subtest and reading composite scores
  • Develop appropriate intervention strategies based on the results of the WF:AS
  • Determine intervention effectiveness and student progress with alternate forms of the WF:AS for Word Reading, Spelling, and Numerical Operations

Clinical Utility

The WF:AS is validated with the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–II (WIAT–II) (U.S. data) and will be linked to future revisions of the WIAT. It is also linked with the new WAIS–IVCDN. Clinical validation has been conducted with children and adults with Learning Disabilities, ADHD as well as with comorbid LD and ADHD.