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Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Fourth Edition-Canadian

Canadian edition in development. An individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, education, and research settings.

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  • Tous les produits

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    31 options

    de $3.30
- de 31 résultats
  • WIAT-4 Canadian Complete Kit (Print Plus Digital)
    A103000393479 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration Manual (Print), US Scoring Manual (Print), Stimulus Book (Print), Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print), and 25 Response Booklets (Print), Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital), Audio Files (Digital), and additional WIAT-4 forms and profiles. Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. Manuals are view-only digital files; the audio files and additional forms are downloadable.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Administration Manual (Print)
    A103000393429 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item is an adapted version of the US Administration Manual to be used with the Canadian English version of the WIAT-4.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Technical and Interpretive Manual (Print)
    A103000393430 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item is an 500-page adapted version of the US Technical and Interpretive Manual to be used with the Canadian English version of the WIAT-4. It can be purchased separately from a kit.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Stimulus Book (Print)
    A103000393425 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Word Reading, Orthographic Fluency, Receptive Vocabulary, Expressive Vocabulary, Oral Discourse Comprehension, Pseudoword Decoding, Reading Comprehension, Decoding Fluency, and Math Problem Solving


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000393426 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 25 Canadian English-adapted Record Forms (Print)


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Response Booklets Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000393427 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 25 Canadian English-adapted Response Booklets (Print)


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Print)
    A103000393428 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes the Canadian English-adapted Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Print)


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Kit (Digital) With Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    A103000393480 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration Manual (Digital), US Scoring Manual (Digital), Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital), Audio Files (Digital), Stimulus Book (Digital), Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Digital), and additional WIAT-4 forms and profiles. Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. Manuals are view-only digital files; the audio files and additional forms are downloadable. Includes unlimited scoring per 1 user within an account for 1 year.

    Additional purchase of print Record Forms and Response Booklets is required for a complete kit.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Administration Manual (Digital)
    A103000393417 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item is an adapted version of the US Administration Manual to be used with the Canadian English version of the WIAT-4. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital)
    A103000393419 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes normative information; this item is an adapted version of the US Technical and Interpretive Manual to be used with the Canadian English version of the WIAT-4. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Audio Files (Digital)
    A103000393420 Niveau de Qualification B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Digital)
    A103000393408 Niveau de Qualification B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Stimulus Book (Digital)
    A103000393409 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Word Reading, Orthographic Fluency, Receptive Vocabulary, Expressive Vocabulary, Oral Discourse Comprehension, Pseudoword Decoding, Reading Comprehension, Decoding Fluency, and Math Problem Solving. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Response Booklet Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000393410 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Subtest and Composite Score Computation Form (Digital)
    A103000393411 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Graphical Profiles (Digital)
    A103000393412 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Analysis and Comparisons Form (Digital)
    A103000393414 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Progress Monitoring Assistant (Digital)
    A103000393416 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    A103000393481 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes unlimited scoring per user within an account


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Scoring Subscription 3 Year (Digital)
    A103000393482 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes unlimited scoring per user within an account


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000393423 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 Q-global report for the WIAT-4 Canadian


  • WIAT-4 Scoring Manual (Print)
    A103000190566 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item applies to US and Canadian English versions of the WIAT-4.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Complete Kit (Print Plus Digital) with Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    A103000393478 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Administration Manual (Print), US Scoring Manual (Print), Stimulus Book (Print), Oral Reading Fluency Booklet (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print), and 25 Response Booklets (Print), Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital), Audio Files (Digital), and additional WIAT-4 forms and profiles. Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. Manuals are view-only digital files; the audio files and additional forms are downloadable. Includes unlimited scoring per 1 user within an account for 1 year.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Oral Reading Fluency Prosody Scale (Digital)
    A103000393415 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Canadian Q-global Error Analysis Worksheets (Digital)
    A103000393413 Niveau de Qualification B

    The digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a downloadable file.


  • WIAT-4 Q-global Scoring Manual (Digital)
    A103000193775 Niveau de Qualification B

    This item applies to US and Canadian English versions of the WIAT-4. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • WIAT-4-CDN Overview Live Webinar 3 Hours With CE: March 6
    A103000417851 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session provides an overview of the WIAT-4-CDN. Through hands-on learning opportunities, participants will examine updates to the assessment, ensuring that they are well-equipped to confidently administer and score the test with their students starting tomorrow.
    A training consultant will contact you one week before the session date with the Zoom link for registration.


    1-2 $109.00
    3+ $92.65
    Les économies sont estimées
  • WIAT-4-CDN Overview Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000396651 Niveau de Qualification B

    Training dates for the WIAT-4-CDN must be scheduled after January 10, 2025.

    This engaging 3-hour session offers an in-depth overview of administration and scoring for the WIAT-4-CDN. Participants will explore updates to the assessment through hands-on learning opportunities, lectures, and group discussions. Learners will review new subtests and expanded scoring, ensuring you are well-equipped to confidently administer and score the test with your students immediately. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • WIAT-4-CDN Overview In Person 3 Hours
    A103000411382 Niveau de Qualification B

    Training dates for the WIAT-4-CDN must be scheduled after January 10, 2025.

    Price includes up to 40 people per session. This engaging 3-hour session offers an in-depth overview of administration and scoring for the WIAT-4-CDN.

    After attending this session, participants will be able to:

    • Discuss key features of the WIAT-4-CDN
    • Describe changes to the test structure and framework from the previous edition 
    • Practice administration and scoring of subtests 
    • Discuss typical score profiles for special populations

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • WIAT-4-CDN Live Question and Answer Virtual 1 Hour
    A103000396652 Niveau de Qualification B

    Training dates for the WIAT-4-CDN must be scheduled after January 10, 2025.

    Price includes up to 40 people per session. This 1-hour Q&A session supports participants who have attended a previous session or are familiar with the assessment. A Pearson expert will meet with participants to address follow-up questions and support specific assessment-related needs. To use the hour efficiently, participants may submit questions in advance. Q&A sessions do not include handouts or slides.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • WIAT-4-CDN Overview Live Webinar 3 Hours With CE: March 19
    A103000417852 Niveau de Qualification B

    Wednesday, March 19, 2025
    12:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET

    This engaging 3-hour session offers an in-depth overview of administration and scoring for the WIAT-4-CDN. Participants will explore updates to the assessment through hands-on learning opportunities, lectures, and group discussions. Learners will review new subtests and expanded scoring, ensuring you are well-equipped to confidently administer and score the test with your students immediately. Purchase your seat(s) by Friday, March 14, 2025.

    A training consultant will contact you one week before the session date with the Zoom link for registration.


    1-2 $109.00
    3+ $92.65
    Les économies sont estimées


Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
4:0- 50:11
Fall, winter, and spring grade-based standard scores, age-based standard scores, percentile ranks, stanines, NCEs, age and grade equivalents, and growth scale values (GSVs).
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
Varies by grade level and number of subtests administered
Paper-and-pencil, Q-interactive®, and Q-global® (using digital stimulus materials)
Options de notation:
Q-interactive® Administration and Scoring, Q-global® Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring
Options du rapport:
Reports include Score Summary, Subtest Comparisons, Achievement/Ability Comparisons; Parent Report
Analyses of academic achievement; supporting diagnoses of specific learning disabilities; Academic program placement; Intervention planning; Dyslexia screening/evaluation
Guidance on using this test in telepractice

Détails du Produit

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®, Fourth Canadian Edition (WIAT®-4-CDN) expands upon the flexibility of this widely used achievement test. Suitable for use in a multitude of settings and available to a wide array of professionals, the newest edition of the WIAT has some exciting updates to help you identify what support they need to achieve more.

New subtests and more flexible scoring

WIAT-4 -CDN features new subtests and expanded scoring capabilities, including composites for Phonological Processing, Orthographic Processing, and Writing Fluency.

The Dyslexia Index Score supports efficient, reliable screening.

  • New: Phonemic Proficiency: measures speed and accuracy of phonological manipulation
  • New: Orthographic Fluency: measures speed of irregular word reading
  • New: Decoding Fluency: measures speed of pseudoword reading
  • New: Sentence Writing Fluency: measures speed of sentence composition

Three different kit options to support your needs

  • Print Plus Digital Kit – This kit is primarily a physical kit, but includes required Q-global digital assets such as the Technical Manual with Norms, Audio Files, and other handscoring forms that are printable.
  • Print Plus Digital Kit with Q-global Scoring – This kit is the above kit with a year of unlimited Q-global scoring included.
  • Digital-only Kit with Q-global Scoring – This kit includes all digital components, including stimulus books, all manuals, audio files, and additional digital handscoring forms for use with in-person digital administrations or remote administration via telepractice. Note: Printed record forms and response booklets are required as an additional purchase.



WIAT-4 CDN on Q-interactive at a glance

Available with

  • Max and Light

Subtest pricing

Scoring and reporting

  • Score Report
  • Excel Report

Benefits of WIAT-4 on Q-interactive

  • Enjoy automated scoring of the Essay Composition subtest.
  • Enhance your WIAT-4-CDN results by co-administering other achievement measures, such as the KTEA-3 Rapid Automatic Naming subtest.
  • Easily build an ability-achievement battery by combining subtests from WIAT-4-CDN with ability measures, such as the WISC-V CDN, and only pay for the subtests you use.
  • Efficiently manage your WIAT-4 materials so you can focus on the examinee.

How Can I Buy WIAT-4 on Q-interactive?

New customers:

Annual Q-interactive licenses can be purchased online or by calling Customer Support at 866-335-8418. See the Q-interactive ordering tab for more information on license options.

Current Q-interactive customers:

If you want to add the WIAT-4-CDN to your account, visit our online order form or call Customer Support at 866-335-8418.

School customers

Want unlimited use of WIAT-4 CDN (and other assessments) on Q-interactive? Contact your assessment consultant to learn more about Digital Assessment Library (DAL).



Select a question below to see the response.


Is there a way to administer the WIAT-4 Canadian remotely in two separate locations?

Digital assets are available for remote administration of the WIAT-4 Canadian. WIAT-4 telepractice guidance documents are provided here.

Are there special considerations for interpreting WIAT-4 results with students who struggled to learn virtually during the pandemic?

Guidance for score interpretation following a period of educational disruption is included in the WIAT-4 Technical & Interpretive manual, and on the Pearson telepractice website under Resources.

Will there be a validity study with the WIAT-4 and the WAIS?

Yes, these data will publish with the upcoming WAIS-V Canadian. At the time of the WIAT-4 Canadian development, WAIS-V Canadian was also in development, so the decision was made to complete the validity study using both new versions. More information about this validity study will be available as the WAIS-V Canadian development and release unfolds.

If I am a Q-interactive user, do I need to add-on the new WIAT-4 Canadian to my license?

If you have the WIAT-III Canadian edition on your “light” or “max” license as an existing user, you will automatically gain access to the WIAT-4 Canadian edition upon release. You do not need to do anything for this digital version. However, you will need to preorder WIAT-4 Canadian Response Booklets (A103000393427) to complete what is needed for administration.

Why do the kits come with a US Scoring Manual rather than a Canadian Scoring Manual?

The US Scoring Manual includes in-depth scoring instructions for many of the WIAT-4 subtests that will apply to the WIAT-4 CDN subtests as well. The Canadian-specific components relevant to development and norms are reflected in the Technical and Interpretive Manual.

Is the WIAT-4 Response Booklet for US norms different than the WIAT-4 Response Booklet for Canadian norms?

Yes, the WIAT-4 Canadian Response Booklet is substantially different from the WIAT-4 US response booklet. Practitioners will need to purchase WIAT-4 Canadian Response Booklets Qty 25 (Print) A103000393427 for use with the WIAT-4 Canadian.

Why are standard scores no longer provided for Oral Reading Accuracy and Oral Reading Rate?

Standard scores are no longer provided for Oral Reading Accuracy and Oral Reading Rate due to the highly skewed distribution of raw scores; instead, base rate information is provided for accuracy (number of errors) and rate (elapsed time) by item set. A base rate, or cumulative percentage, conveys information about how a raw score is ranked (from 0 to 100) in comparison with the scores obtained by examinees who took the same item set. You can read more about this and Base Rates on pg. 59 of the WIAT-4 Canadian Technical and Interpretive Manual.

How should illegible handwriting be scored on writing and spelling subtests?

For writing and spelling subtests, examiners can ask students to clarify illegible handwriting after the test is completed. If the handwriting remains unrecognizable despite the student's explanation, this qualitative information is noted, but the oral response isn’t scored. If the student’s explanation makes the writing recognizable, it may be considered based on the subtest's scoring rules. For Essay Composition, the writing must be legible enough for the examiner to transcribe and score it. If most of the writing is illegible and oral clarification doesn’t help, the essay cannot be scored.

Audio Files

Why do the WIAT-4 audio files sometimes sound cut off or incomplete?

The audio files are complete; however, some multimedia applications trim slightly into a track to allow smooth transitions. We recommend using Quicktime, iTunes/Apple Music, or Windows Media Player for the cleanest, most reliable playback of the WIAT-4 audio files.

How are the Oral Discourse Comprehension audio files organized?

By default, the WIAT-4 audio files are organized into folders by subtest

Within the Oral Discourse Comprehension folder:

  • Files are organized in standard administration order when sorted alphabetically
  • Files that may be used for more than one item will be named accordingly (e.g., Item 08_09)

Within the Phonemic Proficiency folder:

  • Files are organized into subfolders, by section, to align with Phonemic Proficiency discontinuation rules
  • Files for the demonstration items appear first in each section's subfolder and are followed by the remaining items for that section listed in administration order

How do I access and use the audio files required for the administration of some WIAT-4 subtests?

The audio files required for administration are attached to a downloadable PDF located within the Resource Library of Q-global. These must be accessed or downloaded using a free third-party PDF viewer such as Acrobat Reader®. With the PDF file open, open the attachments panel, and save the audio files to your computer for use during administration. We recommend using Quicktime, iTunes/Apple Music, or Windows Media Player for the cleanest, most reliable playback of the WIAT-4 audio files. Note: Using a web browser to access attached audio files is NOT recommended because not all browsers support the functionality necessary to access the attachments panel.

Essay Composition

Why does the Composite Structure section of the Record Form show the Essay Composition subtest for Grades 4-12+ but not for Grade 3?

Essay Composition can be administered at Grade 3, but this subtest is not included in the Written Expression composite until Grade 4.

What should the examiner do if the examinee cannot read the target word for one or more items on the Sentence Writing Fluency subtest?

The examiner is not permitted to read the target words for the examinee. However, examinees are permitted to skip an item, if needed, as indicated in the administration instructions.

How is WIAT-4 Essay Composition scored?

Option 1

The Essay Composition subtest can be scored automatically via Q-global or Q-interactive. Automated scoring is more consistent but just as reliable as hand scoring. Human scores and automated scores share a strong correlation.

Option 2

For paper and pencil customers without access to Q-global or Q-interactive, Essay Composition can be hand scored using the (correct minus incorrect word sequences) scoring rules provided in the manual.

How do I use automated scoring?

To use automated scoring, you will need internet access and a Q-global or Q-interactive account that includes WIAT-4. The following steps are followed to utilize automated scoring of Essay Composition:

  • Step 1: The examinee hand writes the essay in the Response Booklet;
  • Step 2: Within Q-global or Q-interactive, the examiner transcribes the essay by typing the essay exactly as it was written into the essay entry field;
  • Step 3: The essay is submitted and scored by Pearson's Intelligent Essay Assessor™ (IEA). Results are returned in seconds.

How do I transcribe letter reversals?

Letter reversals are not penalized in scoring, so you would type those letters in normally.

How do I transcribe illegible words?

Illegible words should be clarified following the guidelines provided in the manual.

Why do examinees hand write, instead of type, their essays?

Typing is a skill that not all examinees have acquired. Under timed conditions, examinees who type well can write more and score higher than examinees who cannot type well. In addition, many students, especially in the early grades, hand write essays in school, so this method has ecological validity.

Did the Essay Composition scoring rules change from WIAT-III to WIAT-4?

The WIAT-4 scoring rules are based on the (unchanged) Grammar & Mechanics score from the WIAT-III, which correlates strongly with overall writing quality and has high clinical sensitivity. The WIAT-III scores for Word Count and Content & Organization are not included in the WIAT-4; instead, a Content and Organization Qualitative Analysis is provided to assess these areas.

What is the Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA)?

A patented technology based on over twenty years of research and development, IEA has been proven to score written essays as accurately as trained human scorers. IEA scores essays based on the traits included in the hand scoring rubric.

How does the IEA score an essay?

The IEA scoring engine assesses the grammar/syntax and the mechanics of the transcribed essay. When an examiner submits an essay for scoring, the IEA assesses features of the essay and compares the essay to a training set - a large database of training essays previously scored by human scorers. The IEA assigns a score based in part on the similarity of the essay to the training set.

Can the IEA score highly unusual or very brief essays?

Examiners should not attempt to score essays that are written in a language other than English, incomprehensible essays (e.g., essays with a high number of severely misspelled words), or essays that are completely off topic (i.e., the examinee did not follow the instructions). Essays must have a minimum word count of 30 to be scored; however, at least 40 words is recommended.


Formation gratuite

Complimentary assessment overviews and training

Learn more about WIAT-4-CDN and how to use it with fidelity.

Whether you’ve purchased this assessment or need additional information to help make your purchase decision, we’ve got complimentary on-demand, introductory training to help guide you.

Register for Brainshark to access the brief assessment overview, including a description of the components, types of scores provided, and applicable clinical populations.

New Brainshark users


Existing Brainshark users

Log in

Next Steps

Once you are logged in*, you will find the complimentary training in the Content Portal. If you do not see the Complimentary Training group, contact Customer Support at +1 (866) 335-8418 or email and we will add it to your profile.

*If you are a new registrant, you will receive an email with the subject line, “Your Brainshark Username and Password” from This email will contain your username and temporary password. You will be prompted to reset your password when you log in for the first time.



The following training events are available for WIAT-4.


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K-12 districts get unlimited access to a library of over 40 digital assessments for a simple, annual price based on student enrollment