Behavioral Inattention Test


The Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT) is an objective behavioral test of everyday skills relevant to visual neglect, aimed at increasing the understanding of specific difficulties patients experience.

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  • Trousses

    Trousses de démarrage et trousses complètes, imprimées et numériques

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    de $824.60
  • Formulaires & rapports d'essai

    Livrets, formulaires d'enregistrement, livrets de réponse, rapports d'utilisation et abonnements

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    de $134.10
  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour BIT

    2 options

    de $134.10
- de 2 résultats
  • BIT Complete Kit
    749129972 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Manual, 25 scoring sheets, various stimulus, test and playing cards, clock face.


    1-4 $824.60
    5-9 $783.40
    10-24 $742.10
    25-50 $700.90
    51+ $659.70
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  • BIT Scoring Sheets (pkg 25)
    749130105 Niveau de Qualification B

    Pkg of 25


    1-4 $134.10
    5-9 $127.50
    10-24 $120.70
    25-50 $114.00
    51+ $107.40
    Les économies sont estimées


Date de publication:


Groupe d’âge:

19 to 83 years

Niveau de qualification:



Approximately 40 minutes


Two parallel versions


80 patient U.K. clinical study; 15 controls

Autres langues:


Détails du Produit

There are two parallel versions of BIT, each comprising six conventional subtests and nine behavioral subtests.


  • Use in a wide range of environmental settings.
  • Test skills such as line crossing, figure and shape copying, line bisection, representational drawing, and more.


The BIT has been validated against conventional tests of neglect and therapists' reports.

  • Short and easy to understand and interpret.
  • Excellent interrater, test retest, and alternate form reliability.