Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for Children

  • Joseph H. Beitchman, MD, MD
The FAB–C provides insight into a young child's feelings and attitudes that may be contributing to certain behaviours.


Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
6 to 13 years
Niveau de qualification:
Administration Format:

Détails du Produit

The FAB–C™ provides insight into a young child's feelings and attitudes that may be contributing to certain behaviours. It is used as a screening tool in schools, outpatient clinics, residential treatment centers, and child protective services. Complementing parent and teacher ratings of the Conners 3™, the Conners CBRS ™, and other assessments, children under 12 can complete the FAB–C self-report for multiperspective assessment of child's social and emotional state.

How to Use the Assessment

The FAB–C is available as a handscored QuikScore™ form and in online format. The items are statements, such as "Kids pick on me." The child is asked to respond to the statements by checking Yes or No. A score is provided for each scale, along with a total score. With the online format, you can instantly generate Profile Reports.

Scales and Forms

  • Conduct Problems
  • Self-Image
  • Worry
  • Negative Peer Relations
  • Antisocial
  • Lie (validity)
  • Problem Index

Technical Information

The normative sample for the FAB–C consisted of 1,988 children. Separate norms are available for boys and girls in 2-year age intervals. Raw scores are easily converted to T-scores with the QuikScore™ Form.

Profile Reports

Profile Reports present scores graphically and numerically with a list of responses to summarize each administration.