Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language | Second Edition


The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Second Edition (CASL®-2) measures spoken language across four structural categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic and Pragmatic Language.

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  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour CASL-2

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- de 8 résultats
  • CASL-2 Complete Kit
    685WP Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Comprehensive Forms Pkg of 10, Easel 1, Easel 2, Easel 3, and Manual


  • CASL-2 and OPUS Combination Kit
    687WP Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes CASL-2 Complete Kit 685WP [CASL-2 Manual, Easel 1, Easel 2, Easel 3 Forms (pgk 10)] and OPUS Complete Kit 686WP [OPUS Manual, Easel, Forms Pkg of 10]


  • CASL-2 Manual
    685MWP Niveau de Qualification B


  • CASL-2 Preschool Form - Ages 3 to 6
    685BWP Niveau de Qualification B

    Pkg of 10


  • CASL-2 Comprehensive Form - Ages 3 to 21
    685AWP Niveau de Qualification B

    Pkg of 10


  • CASL-2 Easel 1
    685CWP Niveau de Qualification B


  • CASL-2 Easel 2
    685DWP Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :6 semaines
  • CASL-2 Easel 3
    685EWP Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :6 semaines


Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
3 to 21 years
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
5 to 10 minutes for each test and 45 minutes for the General Language Ability Index (known as the Core Composite in the original CASL)
14 stand-alone individually administered performance tests requiring no reading or writing
Based on a stratified sample of 2,394 individuals that is representative of the U.S. population in terms of geographic region, gender, race, and SES/parent education

Détails du Produit

Test items are designed to focus on the main area of interest (synonyms, antonyms, idioms, etc.) to reduce or eliminate the need for memory where possible.


  • Quickly isolate the specific skill, category, or processing ability to be assessed.
  • Leverage stable and reliable results over time and across raters, with strong internal consistency and test-retest and interrater reliability.
  • Evaluate response to intervention (RTI), using the CASL-2 to track improvement over time.
  • Answer a variety of referral questions including eligibility for speech services, placement in special education, determining if a language delay or disorder is present, or measuring language abilities in English language learners.


CASL-2 includes instructions, examples, pictures, items, prompts, sample correct and incorrect answers, and scoring criteria to streamline the administration process.

  • All new normative data and more extensive clinical groups so you can confidently use CASL-2 with a wide range of individuals.
  • 14 individual tests that cover the ages between 3 and 21 (the Paragraph Comprehension test has been removed).
  • 10 tests to be used with children between 3 and 6.
  • Alternative scoring guidelines for African-American dialect.
  • Updated record form design that makes scoring easier and includes an Item Analysis Worksheet for each test, to help develop intervention plans and write IEP goals.
  • Easy-to-remember start and stop rules that are consistent across all tests.