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Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire

The MPQ is a broadband measure of normal-range personality traits. Featuring new nationally representative normative data and updated scales, the MPQ utilizes a long history of research and can be used for preemployment screening for public safety positions. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.
Now Available

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  • Trousses

    Trousses de démarrage et trousses complètes, imprimées et numériques

    3 options

    de $151.20
  • Formulaires & rapports d'essai

    Livrets, formulaires d'enregistrement, livrets de réponse, rapports d'utilisation et abonnements

    6 options

    de $12.80
  • Matériels de soutien

    Manuels, livres de stimulation, articles de remplacement et autres matériaux

    6 options

    de $69.30
  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour MPQ

    15 options

    de $12.80
- de 15 résultats
  • MPQ Score Report Q-global Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000354474 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 digital administration in English, Spanish, or French for Canada.


    1-4 $12.80
    5-49 $11.80
    50-99 $11.60
    100-249 $11.40
    250+ $10.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MPQ Police Preemployment Interpretive Report Q-global Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000354475 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 digital administration in English, Spanish, or French for Canada.


    1-4 $25.50
    5-49 $23.40
    50-99 $23.00
    100-249 $22.50
    250+ $21.80
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MPQ Score Report Starter Kit (Print-Digital)
    A103000354460 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes print and digital products: MPQ Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation (print), 5 softcover test booklets (print), 25 answer sheets (print), a tote bag, and 5 Score Report usages (digital).


  • MPQ Score Report Q-global Starter Kit (Digital)
    A103000354461 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes digital-only products: MPQ Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation (digital) and 10 Score Report usages (digital). Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • MPQ Police Preemployment Interpretive Report Q-global Add-On Bundle (Digital)
    A103000354462 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes digital-only products: User's Guide for the PPIR (digital) and 5 PPIR usages. Pair with the MPQ digital-only or print/digital starter kits, or with the manual (digital or print). Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. They are view-only digital files.


  • MPQ Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation (Print)
    A103000354463 Niveau de Qualification B


  • MPQ Score Report Q Answer Sheet Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000354464 Niveau de Qualification B


  • MPQ Softcover Test Booklet Qty 5 (Print)
    A103000354467 Niveau de Qualification B


  • MPQ User's Guide for Police Preemployment Interpretive Report (Print)
    A103000354469 Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :1 semaine
  • MPQ Audio USB
    A103000354470 Niveau de Qualification B


  • MPQ Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation (Digital)
    A103000354472 Niveau de Qualification B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • MPQ User's Guide for Police Preemployment Interpretive Report (Digital)
    A103000354473 Niveau de Qualification B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • MPQ Audio USB Spanish
    A103000400959 Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • MPQ Livret d'évaluation pour francophones du Canada
    A103000400960 Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • MPQ Feulle de réponses pour notation sur Q-global
    A103000400961 Niveau de Qualification B


    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines


Date de publication:
 December 2023
Groupe d’âge:
18 years and older
Niveau de lecture:
 5th grade (Flesch-Kincaid)
The MPQ Score Report and Police Preemployment Interpretive Report provide raw and T scores for all 17 empirically validated scales.
Temps de passation:
25–35 minutes
 Paper and Q-global®
Options de notation:
Q-global or mail-in
Options du rapport:
Score Report, Police Preemployment Interpretive Report (Preoffer/Postoffer)
Nationally representative norms. Designed to match 2020 U.S. census projections for gender, age, race/ethnicity, and education, the MPQ normative sample includes 1,000 individuals ages 18 and older from diverse communities throughout the United States.
Autres langues:
Spanish and French for Canada
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Détails du Produit

The MPQ™ can be used: as a primary measure for applications in which assessment of normal-range personality traits is useful to explore and clarify basic dimensions of personality for a preemployment screening for public safety positions

Learn more about the MPQ Police Preemployment Interpretive Report.

How to Use This Test

The MPQ has been used in research for decades. The research findings support use of the test in settings where the assessment of normal personality traits may be beneficial, including:

  • Therapeutic treatment planning
  • Counseling services
  • Career planning and development
  • Preemployment screening


The MPQ offers unique perspectives on normal-range personality traits and may help psychologists, clinicians, or counselors:

  • Explore and clarify a test taker’s basic dimensions of personality
  • Gain a detailed and comprehensive assessment of normal personality 
  • Provide vocational guidance and information on best-suited occupations 
  • Perform job/interview screening for personality fit within the workplace 
  • Complement information available from psychopathology-focused measures

Key Features

  • Nationally representative norms. Designed to match 2020 U.S. census projections for gender, age, race/ethnicity, and education, the MPQ normative sample includes 1,000 individuals ages 18 and older from diverse communities throughout the United States.
  • Updated scales. The MPQ includes 256 items used to score 3 Validity, 3 Higher-Order, and 11 Primary Trait scales. These scales have a long history of research use and have been updated for applied assessments.
  • Quick administration. Only 25–35 minutes to administer by computer and 35–45 minutes to administer by paper and pencil.
  • Comprehensive manual. The Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation provides a detailed description of the history and development of the MPQ, information on the new normative sample, case illustrations, and standard procedures for administering, scoring, and interpretation.


MPQ Free Trial

Now's your chance to try out the new MPQ for free! Qualified professionals can receive one free MPQ Score Report on Q-global®️. Sign up today!

The following resources are available for the MPQ




Notation & Rapports

The MPQ Score Report and Police Preemployment Interpretive Report provide raw and T scores for all 17 empirically validated scales.

Score Report

This report provides scores for all 17 scales of the test and includes a summary page to facilitate standard MPQ interpretation along with optional comparison groups and customizable item-level information.

The Score Report includes the following sections:

  • 3 Validity scales
  • 3 Higher-Order (H-O) scales
  • 11 Primary Trait scales
  • 3 Comparison Groups (optional)
  • Item-Level Information (customizable)
  • Item Responses (customizable)

Sample Score Reports

Police Preemployment Interpretive Report

Authors: David M. Corey, Martin Sellbom, & Yossef S. Ben-Porath

Developed with MPQ normative and comparison group data and providing either a preoffer or postoffer option, this report is designed to inform evaluation of a prospective police officer’s job-relevant psychological traits and competencies. The report provides empirically grounded and conceptually informed interpretations to assist assessors when making police officer suitability decisions. The User's Guide for the Police Preemployment Interpretive Report provides background on the development of the report, standard procedures for interpretation, and case illustrations.

Features of the Police Preemployment Interpretive Report

  • Focuses on identifying both positive and negative attributes, as indicated by the test taker’s scores
  • Evidence-based interpretive report with fully transparent citations linking all statements with their interpretive sources
  • Offers two separate comparison groups with unique features:
    • Preoffer police applicants (298 individuals who completed the MPQ as part of a preoffer suitability assessment)
    • Postoffer police candidates (938 individuals who completed the MPQ as part of a postoffer preemployment psychological evaluation)
  • Identifies correlates associated with 10 job-relevant domains:
    • Emotional Control and Stress Tolerance
    • Routine Task Performance
    • Decision-Making and Judgment
    • Feedback Acceptance
    • Assertiveness
    • Social Competence and Teamwork
    • Integrity
    • Conscientiousness and Dependability
    • Substance Use
    • Impulse Control

Interpretive statements rely on the appropriate comparison group for base rate information and on other police samples for validity evidence that is cited in the report.

This report includes full scoring information (see Score Report) and an integrated interpretation of scores specifically for police applicants or candidates, organized in the following sections:

  • Synopsis: summary of major conclusions
  • Protocol Validity: comprehensive information about test validity with guidance on implications of overly positive self-presentation
  • General Personality and Comparison Group Findings: description of positive and negative attribute statements based on empirical correlates, along with substantive scale findings in the context of the police preoffer and police postoffer comparison groups
  • Job-Relevant Correlates: positive and/or negative attributes and potential problems in 10 job domains identified as relevant to police applicant or candidate suitability
  • Item-Level Information: list of unscorable responses, optional user-designated item-level information, and critical follow-up items for police preemployment evaluations
  • Endnotes: identification of scores and sources associated with each interpretive statement
  • Research Reference List: sources supporting empirical correlate-based statements (updated as additional studies are published)

Sample Police Preemployment Interpretive Reports

Scoring and Reporting Options

Q-global web-based administration, scoring, and reporting: Assess and organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the web.

Mail-in scoring service: Administer assessments on specially designed answer sheets and mail to Pearson for scoring. Scores are processed within 24–48 hours of receipt, and results are returned via regular mail.


