Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development | Third Edition Motor Scale

Bayley-III Motor Scale

The Bayley-III® Motor Scale helps identify young children with developmental delay of motor function and guide intervention planning.

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    de $177.10
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  • Bayley-III Motor Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    0158027310 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $177.10
    5-9 $168.30
    10-24 $159.40
    25-50 $150.50
    51+ $141.70
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Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
1–42 months old
Scales scores, composite scores, percentile ranks, age equivalents, and growth scores
Niveau de qualification:
1–3 months: 10 minutes; 4–8 months: 15minutes; 9–42 months: 20 minutes
Options de notation:
Manual scoring

Détails du Produit

The Bayley-III Motor Scale offers everything you need to assess motor development in one convenient package.


  • The Fine Motor Subtest assesses fine motor skills associated with prehension, perceptual-motor integration, motor planning, and motor speed. Visual tracking, reaching, object manipulation, and grasping are also measured.
  • The Gross Motor Subtest assesses the movement of the limbs and torso. Items assess static positioning, dynamic movement (including locomotion and coordination), balance, and motor planning.