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Activity Measure for Post Acute Care

The AM-PAC® is a comprehensive and precise point-of-care assessment of patient-related functional outcomes for settings where acute and/or post acute care is being provided.  


Ordering AM-PAC

Complete this order form to allow our Customer Support team to process the order.

Priced at $282.90 per year, an AM-PAC license includes:

  • Complete AM-PAC manual delivered via email upon confirmation of your order
  • Complete set of reproducible AM-PAC forms contained within the manual
  • Unlimited use of AM-PAC forms per hospital/clinical site for 1 year from date of sale

Please note:

  • Each clinical / hospital site will require a separate license. For example, an organization with 7 hospitals will require 7 licenses.
  • After 1 year, licenses will be automatically renewed unless you contact us to opt out.

Détails du Produit

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The Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC®) measurement system was developed by researchers at Boston University's Health and Disability Research Institute to assess function across post-acute care settings. The AM-PAC® is based on the conceptual framework outlined in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).


  • Use as a screening tool to prioritize patients who require skilled rehabilitation services
  • Patient-reported, clinician or family-member reported outcome measure
  • Designed for use across patient diagnoses, conditions and in different settings where acute and post-acute care is provided
  • Progress monitoring of a broad range of relevant functional abilities as patients move across care settings.
  • Assesses changes in function from admission to discharge in one setting or across an episode of care
  • Guide acute care discharge planning decisions
  • Recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid as a core element of the Assessment Tool for the outpatient prospective payment project
  • Monitor functional outcomes for inpatient, outpatient and clinical research settings


  • AM-PAC Inpatient Short Forms, referred to as '6-Clicks,' assess function in three different domains:
    • Basic Mobility: basic movement and physical mobility activities
    • Daily Activity: basic self-care and instrumental activities of daily living
    • Applied Cognitive: higher-level cognitive or executive functions
  • Unlimited use reproducible forms provided with the purchase of an annual license per single clinical site. License options for use include:
    • Reproducing the paper forms
    • Building the forms in to electronic health record systems
  • Item responses are completed by the patient, or a patient proxy (e.g., clinician, family member); however, in the inpatient setting, clinicians typically serve as the patient proxy. Item responses are selected based on observing the patient or, if an activity is not observed, the clinician uses clinical judgement or input from family members to select the item response.


The Boston University Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC®) was developed at the Boston University Research and Training Center for Measuring Rehabilitation Outcomes and supported, in part, by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (grant no. H133B990005) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (grant no. R01 HD43568). Development of the AM-PAC® Outpatient Short Forms for use in outpatient settings was supported in part by an Independent Scientist Award (K01 HD45354-01) received by Stephen Haley, PhD.

The AM-PAC® team would like to acknowledge the collaborators from the Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine, and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for their assistance in developing many of the short forms included in this manual. Further information on the Johns Hopkins Activity Mobility Promotion tool kit is at this site.



Kits, components, and pricing

How do I order and receive materials?

To order AM-PAC, click the 'Ordering' tab and fill out the online order form. You can elect to pay via purchase order, credit card or generate a quote. Customer support will email a PDF of the AM-PAC manual upon completion of your order. This will be emailed to the contact detailed on the order form. Upon receipt of the manual, it is licensed for use at the organization site listed on the order form.

How does the renewal process work?

A license agreement is included on the AM-PAC order form. The agreement states that the forms are licensed for use for 1 year upon completion of your order.

Licenses will be automatically renewed. You will receive a notification prior to the renewal date and an invoice on the date that the new license commences. You must inform us prior to the renewal date if you do not wish to renew your license.

When I receive the AM-PAC manual, what am I allowed to do with it?

You can use the forms in the appendix and reproduce these in either of the following format:

  • Copying the forms and administering via paper and pencil
  • Re-creating the content in your EHR system


Are there cut off scores to support a discharge recommendation to rehab vs. home vs. nursing home?

Function scores are a critical component, but not the only component to support such decisions, other factors should also be considered e.g. social factors.

Are the Low-Function short form AM-PAC assessments meant for a specific patient population (coma stimulation or low neurological patients)?

The Low-Function forms include 2 additional items to the original 6-clicks, these forms have been used successfully with patients in ICU. It allows the same metric to be used and followed as the patient moves out of the ICU, and through to post-acute care.

Is a digital version of AM-PAC available?

We currently have no plans for this; however your license will allow you to create a digital version of the forms within your licensed hospital site.



The following training events are available for AM-PAC.