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Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition: Canadian

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition: Canadian (WISC®-V-CDN) is an intelligence test that measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Choose from our products

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    3 options

    from $3,080.60
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    8 options

    from $3.70
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    17 options

    from $52.70
  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for WISC-V-CDN

    28 options

    from $3.70
- of 28 results
  • WISC-V CDN Complete Kit in Hard Case
    774761520 Qualification Level C

    Includes items in Basic Complete kit, in a hard case


    1-4 $3,226.60
    5-9 $3,065.20
    10-24 $2,903.90
    25-50 $2,742.60
    51+ $2,581.30
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Complete Kit in Soft Case
    774761512 Qualification Level C

    Includes items in Basic Complete Kit, in a soft case.


    1-4 $3,226.60
    5-9 $3,065.20
    10-24 $2,903.90
    25-50 $2,742.60
    51+ $2,581.30
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Basic Complete Kit
    774761504 Qualification Level C

    Includes: Administration and Scoring Manual, US Technical and Interpretive Manual, Canadian Manual, Canadian Manual Supplement, Stimulus Books 1-3, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets #1, 25 Response Booklets #2, Symbol Search Scoring Key, Coding Scoring Key, Cancellation Scoring Template, and Wechsler Standard Block Design Set.


    1-4 $3,080.60
    5-9 $2,926.60
    10-24 $2,772.60
    25-50 $2,618.60
    51+ $2,464.50
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Administration and Scoring Manual and Manual Supplement (Print)
    0158978595X Qualification Level C


    1-4 $459.90
    5-9 $436.90
    10-24 $414.00
    25-50 $391.00
    51+ $368.00
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Technical and Interpretive Manual (Print)
    015897848X Qualification Level C


    1-4 $472.50
    5-9 $448.80
    10-24 $425.20
    25-50 $401.60
    51+ $378.00
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Canadian Manual with Supplement
    774761962 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $192.10
    5-9 $182.50
    10-24 $172.90
    25-50 $163.30
    51+ $153.70
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V-CDN Q-global Manual (Digital)
    A103000232515 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $123.40
    5-9 $117.20
    10-24 $111.00
    25-50 $104.90
    51+ $98.70
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V-CDN Q-global Canadian Manual Suplement (Digital)
    A103000232516 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $55.60
    5-9 $52.90
    10-24 $50.10
    25-50 $47.30
    51+ $44.60
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Q-global Interpretive Report
    774761989 Qualification Level C

    (price per report)


    1-4 $6.50
    5-9 $6.10
    10-24 $5.80
    25-50 $5.50
    51+ $5.20
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Q-global Score Report
    774761555 Qualification Level C

    (price per report)


    1-4 $3.70
    5-9 $3.50
    10-24 $3.30
    25-50 $3.20
    51+ $3.00
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V​ CDN​ 1-Year Q-global Scoring Subscription with Interpretive Report
    774762217 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $93.80
    5-9 $89.10
    10-24 $84.50
    25-50 $79.70
    51+ $75.00
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V CDN Record Forms
    774761547 Qualification Level C

    Pkg of 25


    1-4 $347.40
    5-9 $330.10
    10-24 $312.70
    25-50 $295.30
    51+ $278.00
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Response Booklet 1 Qty 25 (Print)
    0158978501 Qualification Level C

    Includes Coding and Symbol Search


    1-4 $223.50
    5-9 $212.20
    10-24 $201.10
    25-50 $190.00
    51+ $178.70
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Response Booklet 2 Qty 25 (Print)
    015897851X Qualification Level C

    Includes Cancellation only


    1-4 $128.40
    5-9 $122.00
    10-24 $115.60
    25-50 $109.20
    51+ $102.80
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Symbol Search Scoring Key (Print)
    0158978552 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $63.10
    5-9 $59.90
    10-24 $56.80
    25-50 $53.50
    51+ $50.40
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Coding Scoring Template (Print)
    0158978560 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $52.70
    5-9 $50.00
    10-24 $47.50
    25-50 $44.80
    51+ $42.20
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Cancellation Scoring Template (Print)
    0158978579 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $52.70
    5-9 $50.00
    10-24 $47.50
    25-50 $44.80
    51+ $42.20
    Savings are estimated
  • Wechsler Standard Design Block Set
    015897946X Qualification Level C

    Includes a standard set of 9 blocks in a storage box


    1-4 $88.90
    5-9 $84.50
    10-24 $80.00
    25-50 $75.60
    51+ $71.10
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Stimulus Book 1 (Print)
    0158978528 Qualification Level C

    Includes Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Vocabulary, Figure Weights, Visual Puzzles


    1-4 $346.60
    5-9 $329.30
    10-24 $312.00
    25-50 $294.60
    51+ $277.30
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Stimulus Book 2 (Print)
    0158978536 Qualification Level C

    Includes Picture Span, Picture Concepts, Arithmetic


    1-4 $346.60
    5-9 $329.30
    10-24 $312.00
    25-50 $294.60
    51+ $277.30
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • WISC-V Stimulus Book 3 (Print)
    0158978544 Qualification Level C

    Includes Naming Speed Literacy, Naming Speed Quantity, Immediate Symbol Translation, Delayed Symbol Translation, Recognition Symbol Translation


    1-4 $346.60
    5-9 $329.30
    10-24 $312.00
    25-50 $294.60
    51+ $277.30
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Response Booklet 1 (Digital)
    A103000230091 Qualification Level C

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $7.70
    5-9 $7.40
    10-24 $7.00
    25-50 $6.60
    51+ $6.20
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Response Booklet 2 (Digital)
    A103000230092 Qualification Level C

    This item is to be used for demonstration purposes only by the examiner during an administration, not for examinee use. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $3.80
    5-9 $3.70
    10-24 $3.50
    25-50 $3.30
    51+ $3.10
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Stimulus Book 1 (Digital)
    A103000230088 Qualification Level C

    Includes Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Vocabulary, Figure Weights, Visual Puzzles. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $333.50
    5-9 $316.80
    10-24 $300.20
    25-50 $283.50
    51+ $266.90
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Stimulus Book 2 (Digital)
    A103000230089 Qualification Level C

    Includes Picture Span, Picture Concepts, Arithmetic; Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $333.50
    5-9 $316.80
    10-24 $300.20
    25-50 $283.50
    51+ $266.90
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Stimulus Book 3 (Digital)
    A103000230090 Qualification Level C

    Includes Naming Speed Literacy, Naming Speed Quantity, Immediate Symbol Translation, Delayed Symbol Translation, Recognition Symbol Translation; Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $333.50
    5-9 $316.80
    10-24 $300.20
    25-50 $283.50
    51+ $266.90
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital)
    A103000230087 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $451.30
    5-9 $428.80
    10-24 $406.30
    25-50 $383.70
    51+ $361.10
    Savings are estimated
  • WISC-V Q-global Administration and Scoring Manual with Manual Supplement (Digital)
    A103000230086 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $451.30
    5-9 $428.80
    10-24 $406.30
    25-50 $383.70
    51+ $361.10
    Savings are estimated


Publication date:
Age range:
Children aged 6:0–16:11
FSIQ, Primary Index Scores and Ancillary Index Scores
Qualification level:
Completion time:
Core subtests: ~60 minutes
Paper-and-pencil or digital
Scoring options:
Q-interactive® Administration and Scoring, Q-global™ Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Product Details

The WISC-V-CDN gives school psychologists, clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists flexibility and interpretive power to get a broader view of a child's cognitive abilities.


  • Increase construct coverage without increasing test time.
  • Identify and diagnose intellectual and learning disabilities/disorders.
  • Evaluate cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assess giftedness and the impact of brain injuries.
  • Significantly reduce testing time to obtain FSIQ.
  • Supports more flexible evaluation of specific learning disabilities and two major approaches to specific learning disability identification: (1) pattern of strengths and weaknesses analyses and (2) ability-achievement discrepancy analyses.


WISC-V delivers more flexibility, more content and more interpretive power.

  • Three new primary subtests — Visual Puzzles, Figure Weights, and Picture Span — measure the ability to analyze and synthesize information, quantitative reasoning and induction, and visual working memory.
  • Five new complementary subtests assess cognitive processes important to academic achievement in reading, math, and writing.
  • Simplified instructions with reduced vocabulary level, shorter discontinue rules and refined scoring criteria.
  • Full scoring reports and interpretive reports include narrative interpretation scores.
  • Separate visual spatial and fluid reasoning composite scores results in greater interpretive clarity.
  • Automatically converts total raw scores to subtest scaled scores and sums of scaled scores to composites scores.
  • Statistical links to two measures of academic achievement: KTEA-3 and WIAT-III-CDN. See a comparison between WISC-V-CDN and WIAT-III-CDN.


Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.

Learn more


View the scales


Sample Reports

Score reports automatically convert total raw scores to subtest scaled scores and sums of scaled scores to composite scores, including the FSIQ and numerous index scores. Interpretive reports include narrative interpretation of scores.




Benefits of WISC-V on Q-interactive

  • Access the full complement of WISC-V subtests with the tap of a button.
  • Create custom batteries by combining subtests from the WISC-V and other tests such as the WIAT-III.
  • Engage children by displaying stimuli on the iPad.
  • Standardize administration and simplify the management of WISC-V materials so you can focus on what is important – the examinee.
  • Automatically generate score reports, including ability-achievement discrepancy and patterns of strengths and weaknesses analyses with the WIAT-III and KTEA-3.
  • Obtain scaled scores immediately after finishing a subtest, to increase speed and accuracy.

Materials Needed

Subtest Pricing

How Can I Buy WISC-V on Q-interactive?

New customers:

Annual Q-interactive licenses can be purchased using our online order form or by calling Customer Support at 1-866-335-8418. See the Q-interactive license options for more information on pricing.

Current Q-interactive customers:

If you want to add the WISC-V-CDN to your account, visit our online order form and select the "Add test(s) to existing account" option. You may also call Customer Support at 1-866-335-8418.




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