Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory

The Millon® Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI®) is a normed assessment of adolescent personality characteristics. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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  • MAPI Q-global Starter Kit
    63476 Niveau de Qualification C

    Includes Manual (Digital) and 3 Q-global administrations with Interpretive Report (Digital)


    1-4 $243.00
    5-9 $230.90
    10-24 $218.80
    25-50 $206.60
    51+ $194.50
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  • MAPI Q-global Manual (Digital)
    0150300670 Niveau de Qualification C

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $85.00
    5-9 $80.70
    10-24 $76.50
    25-50 $72.20
    51+ $68.00
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  • MAPI Manual (Print)
    45103 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $109.60
    5-9 $104.20
    10-24 $98.70
    25-50 $93.10
    51+ $87.70
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    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • MAPI Q Local Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    51446 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $58.00
    5-9 $55.20
    10-24 $52.20
    25-50 $49.30
    51+ $46.50
    Les économies sont estimées
    Cet article doit être commandé par téléphone au 866-335-8427.
  • MAPI Q-global Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63475 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $53.80
    5-9 $51.10
    10-24 $48.50
    25-50 $45.70
    51+ $43.00
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MAPI Q Answer Sheets Qty 25 (Print)
    51412 Niveau de Qualification C

    For use with either Q Local or Q-global systems. Test Booklet is required for administration.


    1-4 $49.20
    5-9 $46.70
    10-24 $44.20
    25-50 $41.80
    51+ $39.30
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MAPI Test Booklets Qty 10 (Print)
    46410 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $71.40
    5-9 $67.80
    10-24 $64.20
    25-50 $60.70
    51+ $57.10
    Les économies sont estimées


Groupe d’âge:
Niveau de lecture:
6th Grade
Outpatient, inpatient, and normal adolescents
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
20–30 minutes (150 true/false items)
Paper-and-pencil, computer or online administration
Options de notation:
Q-global™ web based, Q Local™ Software, or Mail-in Scoring
Options du rapport:
Interpretive Report
Autres langues:
Informations sur les marques déposées:
"Millon," "MCMI," "MCMI-III," "MACI," "M-PACI," "MBMD," "MAPI," and "MCCI" are trademarks and "MIPS" is a registered trademark of DICANDRIEN, INC.
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Détails du Produit

The MAPI can be used in clinical, correctional, and educational settings by psychologists, psychiatrists, and school counselors, as well as other mental health and guidance professionals.


  • Use for diagnosis and treatment planning in clinical, correctional, and educational settings.
  • Evaluate adolescent expressed concerns, personality styles, and coping patterns to help select the best approach to treatment and identify behavior patterns.


The MAPI test was designed to assess adolescent personality characteristics.

  • Three distinct scale dimensions: Personality Styles, Expressed Concerns, and Behavioral Patterns.
  • Normative data includes 430 adolescents involved in inpatient or outpatient psychological assessment or psychotherapy and 2,157 normal adolescents representing various socioeconomic levels.


View list of scales

Sample Reports and Resources

Below you will find additional information on MAPI.


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Master of the Mind, a Theodore Millon Memoir

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Click on a question to see the response.

Test Content

What are the main differences between the MAPI and the MACI tests?

The MACI test was specifically designed to evaluate adolescents with clinical symptoms, and the normative population consists of adolescents in a variety of clinical settings. The MAPI test was designed to identify adolescent personality characteristics and was normed primarily on individuals in settings where clinical problems were not assumed. The MACI test was published after the MAPI and is correlated with the more-recent version of the DSM, the DSM-IV. The MAPI test is correlated with the DSM-III-R.


Is the MAPI instrument appropriate for use with normal adolescents?

Yes. Eighty-three percent of the normative population is junior and senior high school students in public and parochial settings.


Will recording the wrong sex make a difference on the profile?

Yes, because the MAPI instrument has separate male and female norms.

Will recording the wrong age make a difference on the profile?

Yes. There are two age ranges in the normative group, 13-15 and 16-18. Each age range has its own set of male and female norms. If the age falls outside of the relevant age range, the program will default to the norms closest to the client's recorded age. If the age is omitted, the default is 13-15.

How can a MAPI instrument be invalid if there are less that 10 omissions?

Check Scales 21 (Reliability) and 22 (Validity). If the client answered True to two or more items from Scale 21 or one from Scale 22, the report is invalid. Or if the client answered True to two or more items on Scale 22, the report is invalid.

Why is the MAPI instrument invalid because Scales 1-8 are all less than 64 BR?

These scores indicate that the adolescent responded to the items with a consistent pattern of nondisclosure. The presence of defensiveness or denial should be evaluated. It is also possible, but very unlikely, that the adolescent is being honest and does not have anything significant to report.


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