Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory

Designed specifically for teenagers, the Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory helps identify early signs of Axis I and Axis II disorders in adolescents. This dedicated tool, recently enhanced by the addition of Grossman Facet Scales, helps assess personality patterns as well as self-reported concerns and clinical symptoms. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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  • MACI Q-global Manual Second Edition (Digital)
    015030062X Niveau de Qualification C

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $87.70
    5-9 $83.30
    10-24 $79.00
    25-50 $74.60
    51+ $70.20
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  • MACI Manual (Print)
    45210 Niveau de Qualification C


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    5-9 $105.40
    10-24 $99.90
    25-50 $94.30
    51+ $88.80
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  • MACI Q-global Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63450 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $55.00
    5-9 $52.10
    10-24 $49.40
    25-50 $46.70
    51+ $43.90
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  • MACI Q-global Profile Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63451 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $42.50
    5-9 $40.40
    10-24 $38.30
    25-50 $36.10
    51+ $34.00
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  • MACI Q Local Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    51485 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $59.10
    5-9 $56.00
    10-24 $53.20
    25-50 $50.10
    51+ $47.20
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    Cet article doit être commandé par téléphone au 866-335-8427.
  • MACI Q Local Profile Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    51486 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $46.20
    5-9 $43.90
    10-24 $41.60
    25-50 $39.30
    51+ $37.00
    Les économies sont estimées
    Cet article doit être commandé par téléphone au 866-335-8427.
  • MACI Q Response Booklets Qty 25 (Print)
    51553 Niveau de Qualification C

    For use with either Q Local or Q-global systems


    1-4 $62.30
    5-9 $59.20
    10-24 $56.10
    25-50 $53.00
    51+ $49.90
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  • MACI Audio CD
    45226 Niveau de Qualification C


    1-4 $141.40
    5-9 $134.30
    10-24 $127.30
    25-50 $120.20
    51+ $113.10
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Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
Niveau de lecture:
6th Grade
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
20-25 minutes (160 true/false items)
Paper-and-pencil, CD, computer, or online administration
Options de notation:

Q-global™ web-based, Q Local™ Software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Options du rapport:
Interpretive and Profile Reports
Autres langues:
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Détails du Produit

Brief and easy to administer, the MACI helps practitioners construct and customize treatment plans to individual needs and guide troubled youth toward healthier, more authentic lives.


  • Measure a number of factors closely associated with adolescents before, during, and after treatment, including sexual discomfort, substance abuse proneness, suicidal tendency and eating dysfunctions, before, during and after treatment.
  • Conduct detailed evaluations to confirm diagnostic hypotheses.
  • Create individualized treatment plans.
  • Obtain the maximum amount of information with a minimal amount of the test-taker's effort (30 minutes or less completion time).
  • Specifically created to address the unique concerns, pressures and situations facing teens.


The MACI is well-suited for use in all teen treatment settings, including outpatient, inpatient, day treatment and residential treatment programs.

  • 27 scales in three clinically relevant categories — Personality Patterns, Expressed Concerns, and Clinical Syndromes — along with modifying indices that help identify test-taking attitudes, as well as confused or random responding.
  • New Grossman Facet scales identify personality processes (e.g., self-image, mood temperament) that underlie overall scale elevations on the Personality Pattern scales.
  • Each personality scale includes three facet scales for which results are presented in the automated reports.
  • Normative population of the MACI consists exclusively of clinical adolescent patients from four distinct norm groups: Males (13–15), Females (13–15), Males (16–19), and Females (16–19).


View list of scales

Sample Reports

Sample reports provide base rate scores for all 27 scales and three modifying indices in an easy-to-read graph. This convenient report can help quickly identify clients who may require more intensive evaluation.

Interpretive report are based on individual test results. This report provides an in-depth analysis that brings critical concerns to light and includes treatment strategies specifically developed to address teen-related issues.


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Master of the Mind, a Theodore Millon Memoir

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The following resources are available for MACI.



Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

Test Content

What are the main differences between the MAPI and the MACI tests?

The MACI test was specifically designed to evaluate adolescents with clinical symptoms, and the normative population consists of adolescents in a variety of clinical settings. The MAPI test was designed to identify adolescent personality characteristics and was normed primarily on individuals in settings where clinical problems were not assumed.

The MACI test was published after the MAPI and is correlated with the more-recent version of the DSM, the DSM-IV®. The MAPI test is correlated with the DSM-III-R™.

The MACI test includes Clinical Syndromes scales. The MAPI test includes a Behavioral Correlates section.


Is the MACI test appropriate for use with normal individuals?

The normative sample consisted only of clinical patients. For normal personality assessment, the MAPI test should be used. 


Will recording the wrong sex make a difference on the profile?

Yes. The MACI test has separate male and female norms.

Will recording the wrong birth date make a difference on the profile?

Yes. There are two age ranges in the normative group, 13-15 and 16-18. Each age range has its own set of male and female norms. If the client's age falls outside of the appropriate age range, the program will default to the norms for the age group that is closest to the client's recorded age (birth date).

Can the MACI test be invalid even if there are less than 10 omissions?

Yes. Check to see if the two validity items (114 and 126) are answered True. If this is the case, then the assessment is considered invalid regardless of the number of omitted responses.

Why is the MACI test invalid if the scores on Scales 1-8B are all less than 60 BR?

In this case, no clear personality pattern has emerged from the assessment data and therefore no interpretation can be made. 

What are base rate scores?

Base rate scores are a kind of standardized score that differs from standardized scores that are reported for most personality and clinical inventories (e.g., T scores). Instead of standardizing all scales in the inventory to the same mean and standard deviation (e.g., a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10) in the inventory's normative sample, base rate scores are scaled to reflect the differing prevalence rates of the characteristics measured by the inventory. Base rate scores are unique to the Millon inventories. See the MACI manual for a more complete description of the rationale and implementation of base rate scores.

What is the purpose of the Grossman facet scales?

The facet scales help pinpoint the specific personality processes (e.g., self-image, interpersonal relations) that underlie elevations on the Personality Patterns scales, thereby aiding in their interpretation. For each of these primary scales, three scales measuring 'facets' specified by Millon's theory as prominent structural or functional features of that personality pattern are reported. Thus, there are 36 facet scales tied to the 12 Personality Patterns scales.

How are Grossman facet scale results reported?

The profile report includes a graph of the most salient facet scale scores and a table of all 36 facet scale scores. The interpretive report includes the graph, the table, and a section with interpretive text about the scales. Printing facet scale results is optional for both reports.

