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Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Third Edition Brief Form

KTEA-3 Brief
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Third Edition Brief Form (KTEA™-3 Brief) is a succinct and individually administered measure of achievement in reading, math, and written expression. See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.

Choose from our products

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    2 options

    from $632.60
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    7 options

    from $2.00
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    6 options

    from $86.50
  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for KTEA-3 Brief

    15 options

    from $2.00
- of 15 results
  • KTEA-3 Brief Complete Kit (Print)
    32388 Qualification Level B

    Includes Administration Manual (Print), Stimulus Book (Print), USB Flash Drive (contains Technical Manual, Audio Files), 25 Record Forms (Print), 25 Response Booklets (Print), and Form B Written Expression Booklets (2 each of Levels 2-4)


    1-4 $632.60
    5-9 $601.10
    10-24 $569.40
    25-50 $537.80
    51+ $506.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Complete Kit with Bag (Print)
    32389 Qualification Level B

    Includes Administration Manual (Print), Stimulus Book (Print), USB Flash Drive (contains Technical Manual, Audio Files), 25 Record Forms (Print), 25 Response Booklets (Print), and Form B Written Expression Booklets (2 each of Levels 2-4), and soft-sided carrying bag


    1-4 $746.50
    5-9 $709.20
    10-24 $671.80
    25-50 $634.60
    51+ $597.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Q-global Administration Manual (Digital)
    A103000184106 Qualification Level B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $86.50
    5-9 $82.20
    10-24 $77.90
    25-50 $73.50
    51+ $69.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Q-global Technical and Interpretive Manual (Digital)
    A103000184108 Qualification Level B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $86.50
    5-9 $82.20
    10-24 $77.90
    25-50 $73.50
    51+ $69.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Q-global Stimulus Book (Digital)
    A103000185558 Qualification Level B

    Includes examinee-facing Stimulus Book, examiner-facing Administration Directions and Audio Files; once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The stimulus book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions/audio files are downloadable.


    1-4 $282.70
    5-9 $268.50
    10-24 $254.50
    25-50 $240.30
    51+ $226.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Administration Manual (Print)
    32390 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $110.80
    5-9 $105.20
    10-24 $99.70
    25-50 $94.20
    51+ $88.60
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KTEA-3 Brief Stimulus Book (Print)
    32391 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $349.10
    5-9 $331.60
    10-24 $314.20
    25-50 $296.80
    51+ $279.30
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KTEA-3 Brief Q-global Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    32399 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $2.00
    5-9 $1.90
    10-24 $1.80
    25-50 $1.70
    51+ $1.60
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    32392 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $67.20
    5-9 $63.80
    10-24 $60.50
    25-50 $57.20
    51+ $53.80
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Forms Bundle Qty 25 (Print)
    32398 Qualification Level B

    Includes 25 Record Forms (Print) and 25 Response Booklets (Print)


    1-4 $123.00
    5-9 $116.80
    10-24 $110.70
    25-50 $104.50
    51+ $98.40
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Response Booklets Qty 25 (Print)
    32393 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $67.20
    5-9 $63.80
    10-24 $60.50
    25-50 $57.20
    51+ $53.80
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Form B Level 2 Written Expression Booklet Qty 10 (Print)
    32431 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $32.40
    5-9 $30.70
    10-24 $29.20
    25-50 $27.40
    51+ $25.80
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Form B Level 3 Written Expression Booklet Qty 10 (Print)
    32433 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $32.40
    5-9 $30.70
    10-24 $29.20
    25-50 $27.40
    51+ $25.80
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Form B Level 4 Written Expression Booklet Qty 10 (Print)
    32435 Qualification Level B


    1-4 $33.80
    5-9 $32.00
    10-24 $30.30
    25-50 $28.60
    51+ $27.00
    Savings are estimated
  • KTEA-3 Brief Flash Drive
    32394 Qualification Level B

    Includes Technical Manual and Audio Files


    1-4 $110.80
    5-9 $105.20
    10-24 $99.70
    25-50 $94.20
    51+ $88.60
    Savings are estimated


Publication date:
Age range:
Individuals 4:0–25:11
Qualification level:
Scoring options:
Q-global® (web-based), or manual scoring

Product Details

KTEA-3 Brief provides in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills, and can help identify learning disabilities or measure progress or response to intervention. It is ideal as a stand-alone screener of basic academic skills.


  • Offers two overall estimates of academic skills.
  • Yields core composites in reading, math, and written language.
  • Helps evaluate academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Supports pre-referral, re-testing, or progress monitoring by administration of three additional KTEA-3 Brief subtests.
  • Standard scores from the KTEA-3 Brief may be used interchangeably with the subtest and composite standard scores from the Comprehensive Form.


The KTEA-3 Brief is a customizable test battery to suit your needs.

  • 3-subtest Brief Achievement composite (BA-3)
  • Academic Skills Battery (ASB) composite
  • Reading composite and ASB composite for children in Pre-K



The following resources are available for KTEA-3 Brief Form.


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