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Behavior Assessment System for Children | Third Edition

A comprehensive set of rating scales and forms, BASC-3 helps you understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Choisir parmi nos produits

  • Trousses

    Trousses de démarrage et trousses complètes, imprimées et numériques

    8 options

    de $220.10
  • Formulaires & rapports d'essai

    Livrets, formulaires d'enregistrement, livrets de réponse, rapports d'utilisation et abonnements

    25 options

    de $5.10
  • Matériels de soutien

    Manuels, livres de stimulation, articles de remplacement et autres matériaux

    13 options

    de $68.70
  • Training

    Formations en présentiel, en virtuel et à la demande

    13 options

    de $275.00
  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour BASC-3

    59 options

    de $5.10
- de 59 résultats
  • BASC-3 Q-global Starter Kit with Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    30882 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual, 1-Year Subscription to online scoring, also includes 1 Pkg of each record forms form of TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH and SOS. The Unlimited-Use Scoring Subscription includes scoring and reporting for the TRS, PRS, SRP, PRQ and SOS only, the SDH does not require scoring and is not included.
    (not available for On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration).


    1-4 $1,170.80
    5-9 $1,112.20
    10-24 $1,053.70
    25-50 $995.10
    51+ $936.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Complete Kit with Intervention Recommendations
    30891 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print), 1 BESS Manual (print), 1 PRQ Manual (print), 1 Flex Monitor Digital Manual, 1 Behavior Intervention Guide (print), 10 Q-global Interpretive Summary Report with Intervention Recommendations usages for TRS, PRS and SRP forms, 10 Q-global BESS and FLEX Monitor report usages.
    On-screen Administration, Scoring and Reporting  includes digital version of rating forms.
      *Intervention Recommendations for SRP-Interview Form and SRP-College Age are not available—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $837.80
    5-9 $795.90
    10-24 $754.10
    25-50 $712.30
    51+ $670.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Complete Kit
    30890 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print), 1 BESS Manual (print), 1 PRQ Manual (print), 1 Flex Monitor Digital Manual, 10 Q-global Interpretive Summary Report usages for TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH, PRQ, SOS forms, 10 Q-global BESS and 10 Q-global FLEX Monitor report usages.
    On-screen Administration Scoring and Reporting includes digital version of rating forms.


    1-4 $664.50
    5-9 $631.30
    10-24 $598.10
    25-50 $564.80
    51+ $531.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Starter Kit with Interpretive Summary Reports and Intervention Recommendations
    30889 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print), 1 Behavior Intervention Guide (print) and 10 Q-global Interpretive Summary Report with Intervention Recommendations usages for TRS, PRS and SRP forms.
    On-Screen Administration, Scoring and Reporting includes digital version of rating forms.
    *Intervention Recommendations for SRP-Interview Form and SRP-College Age are not available—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $418.50
    5-9 $397.60
    10-24 $376.60
    25-50 $355.70
    51+ $334.80
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Starter Kit with Interpretive Summary Reports
    30888 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print) and 10 Q-global Interpretive Summary Report usages for TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH, PRQ and SOS forms.
    On-screen Administration, Scoring and Reporting includes digital version of rating forms.


    1-4 $220.10
    5-9 $209.10
    10-24 $198.10
    25-50 $187.10
    51+ $176.10
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Handscore Starter Kit (Print)
    30886 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print), 25 each of Record Forms of TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH and SOS (print) and 25 of each handscore worksheet of TRS and PRS
    *Hand-Score Worksheet not available for SRP Child (6–7) Record Form #30816.  (This form may be hand-scored by referring to Chapter 2 of the BASC-3 Manual).


    1-4 $1,311.80
    5-9 $1,246.30
    10-24 $1,180.70
    25-50 $1,115.10
    51+ $1,049.50
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6 semaines
  • BASC-3 Starter Kit with Q-global Scoring Subscription and Intervention Recommendations 1 Year (Digital)
    30910 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (Print), 1-Year Subscription to online scoring of TRS, PRS, and SRP with Intervention Recommendations. Kit also includes 1 package of each TRS, PRS and SRP record forms of all age ranges (Note: Does NOT include pkg of SDH forms, or pkg of SOS forms). Unlimited-Use Scoring Subscriptions for use with paper forms 
    (not available for On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration). 
    *Intervention Recommendations for SRP-Interview Form and SRP-College Age are not available—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $1,017.90
    5-9 $967.10
    10-24 $916.20
    25-50 $865.20
    51+ $814.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Starter Kit with Intervention Guide and Q-global Scoring Subscription and Intervention Recommendations 1 Year (Digital)
    30883 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual (print), 1 Behavior Intervention Guide (print), 1-Year Subscription to online scoring of of TRS, PRS, SRP, and Intervention Recommendations for TRS, PRS and SRP forms. Kit also includes 1 pkg/25 Record Forms forms for each of: TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH and SOS. Unlimited-Use Scoring Subscriptions for use with paper forms.
    (not available for On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration).
    *Intervention Recommendations for SRP-Interview Form and SRP-College Age are not available—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $1,390.70
    5-9 $1,321.20
    10-24 $1,251.60
    25-50 $1,182.10
    51+ $1,112.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Manual (Digital)
    30904 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $175.90
    5-9 $167.10
    10-24 $158.30
    25-50 $149.60
    51+ $140.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Manual (Print)
    30800 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $209.80
    5-9 $199.30
    10-24 $189.30
    25-50 $179.90
    51+ $170.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Administration-Report with Intervention Recommendations Qty 1 (Digital)
    30867 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 on-screen administration, scoring and reporting for the TRS, PRS, SRP-Child, or SRP-Adolescent forms and includes Intervention Recommendations.
    For use with On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration, or for digital scoring & reporting after traditional administration with printed record forms.
    Please note: Intervention recommendations are not available for the SRP-I and SRP-College forms—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $5.70
    5-9 $5.40
    10-24 $5.20
    25-50 $4.90
    51+ $4.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    30866 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 1 on-screen administration, scoring and reporting for the TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH, PRQ or SOS (use to score SRP-College).
    For use with On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration, or for digital scoring & reporting after traditional administration with printed record forms.


    1-4 $5.10
    5-9 $4.90
    10-24 $4.70
    25-50 $4.40
    51+ $4.10
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Scoring Subscription with Intervention Recommendations 1 Year (Digital)
    QG1BA3NG Niveau de Qualification B

    Unlimited-Use Scoring Subscriptions for use with paper forms. The subscription can be used for scoring and reporting the TRS, PRS, SRP, PRQ and SOS. The SDH does not require scoring and is not included. The intervention recommendations are based on the TRS, PRS, and SRP.
    (not available for On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration).
    *Intervention Recommendations for SRP-Interview Form and SRP-College Age are not available—please order 30866 to generate these reports.


    1-4 $87.70
    5-9 $83.30
    10-24 $78.90
    25-50 $74.50
    51+ $70.10
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    QG1BA3 Niveau de Qualification B

    The subscription can be used for scoring and reporting the TRS, PRS, SRP, PRQ and SOS. The SDH does not require scoring and is not included.
    For use with paper forms (not available for On-Screen or Remote On-Screen Administration).


    1-4 $75.60
    5-9 $71.90
    10-24 $68.10
    25-50 $64.30
    51+ $60.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP Interview Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30816 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SDH Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30826 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $116.90
    5-9 $111.10
    10-24 $105.20
    25-50 $99.50
    51+ $93.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SOS Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30828 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $116.90
    5-9 $111.10
    10-24 $105.20
    25-50 $99.50
    51+ $93.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 TRS Preschool Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30801 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Preschool Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30807 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Preschool Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30808 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6 semaines
  • BASC-3 TRS Preschool Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30802 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Child Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30810 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 TRS Child Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30803 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP Child Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30818 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 TRS Child Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30804 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP Child Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30819 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Child Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30811 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 TRS Adolescent Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30805 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Adolescent Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30813 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP Adolescent Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30821 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 TRS Adolescent Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30806 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 PRS Adolescent Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30814 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP Adolescent Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30822 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP College Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    30824 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $84.30
    5-9 $80.00
    10-24 $75.80
    25-50 $71.60
    51+ $67.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 SRP College Handscore Worksheets Qty 25 (Print)
    30825 Niveau de Qualification B

    Use in conjunction with the record form to calculate scores


    1-4 $19.50
    5-9 $18.60
    10-24 $17.60
    25-50 $16.60
    51+ $15.70
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Hyperactivity Qty 25 (Print)
    30861 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Leadership-Social Skills Qty 25 (Print)
    30863 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Somatization Qty 25 (Print)
    30862 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Depression Qty 25 (Print)
    30859 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Attention Problems Qty 25 (Print)
    30858 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Academic Problems Qty 25 (Print)
    30855 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Aggression Qty 25 (Print)
    30853 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Conduct Problems Qty 25 (Print)
    30854 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Adaptability Qty 25 (Print)
    30856 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Anxiety Qty 25 (Print)
    30857 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Intervention Guide Parent Tip Sheets Functional Communication Qty 25 (Print)
    30860 Niveau de Qualification A

    Each tip sheet includes a progress monitoring form to help families and caregivers keep track of strategy use and communicate with service providers about progress.  2-4 evidence-based strategies are provided using recipe-like descriptions of steps for implementation.


    1-4 $68.70
    5-9 $65.30
    10-24 $61.90
    25-50 $58.40
    51+ $54.90
    Les économies sont estimées
  • BASC-3 Overview and Interpretation Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000072171 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session provides an overview of the core assessment components of the BASC–3 model: the Teacher Rating Scales (TRS), Parent Rating Scales (PRS), and Self-Report of Personality (SRP). The composites and scales (Clinical, Adaptive, and Content) and the probability indexes that comprise these rating forms will be explained, and a discussion about how reporting and interpretation can be used to guide supports and interventions will also be included. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000264019 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs In Person 3 Hours
    A103000264020 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Application of the BASC-3 in the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Schools Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000072173 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session focuses on the development and application of a school-based model of assessment of emotional and behavioral disorders. While this session addresses eligibility, it will emphasize developing a comprehensive diagnosis and understanding of the student. This session will also examine how differential diagnosis can guide the process of identification of evidence-based interventions tailored to student needs and This session will also introduce the BASC–3 Emotional Disturbance Qualification Scales (EDQS) which provides an IDIEA indicator aligned evaluation of students as well as a differentiation with social maladjustment. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Live Question and Answer Virtual 1 Hour
    A103000072174 Niveau de Qualification B

    Price includes up to 40 people per session. This 1-hour Q&A session supports participants who have attended a previous session or are familiar with the assessment. A Pearson expert will meet with participants to address follow-up questions and support specific assessment-related needs. To use the hour efficiently, participants may submit questions in advance. Q&A sessions do not include handouts or slides.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs On Demand 3 Hours
    A103000355581 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports. Participants have access to this session for one year.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Combo Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs and Promoting Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being Development On Demand 6 Hours with CE
    A103000355582 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 6-hour on-demand session is targeted at B-and C-level users who are supporting the mental health needs of students in our schools. The session is two separate modules. Module One: Identifying and Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs and Module Two: Promoting Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellbeing Development are both included with this on-demand training. Participants will have access to this course for one year and are eligible to earn CE.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Promoting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Well-Being Development On Demand 3 Hours
    A103000355583 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour learning track addresses how a well-being focus using the BASC–3 can be applied in our schools to promote student social/emotional development and address behavioral and mental health issues. This session focuses on a strengths-based approach to screening, assessment, and intervention planning in order to identify behavioral components of student well-being and to support their development. Participants will have access to this session for one year.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Promoting Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being Development On Demand 3 Hours with CE
    A103000355586 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour learning track addresses how a well-being focus using the BASC–3 can be applied in our schools to promote student social/emotional development and address behavioral and mental health issues. This session focuses on a strengths-based approach to screening, assessment, and intervention planning in order to identify behavioral components of student well-being and to support their development. Participants will have access to this course for one year and are eligible to earn CE.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs On Demand 3 Hours
    A103000263851 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports. Participants have access to this session for one year.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Identifying and Supporting Students' Mental Health Needs On Demand 3 Hours with CE
    A103000263852 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour session examines the current mental health crisis facing our students and discusses how a broadband assessment of behavior can be used to evaluate the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Specifically, the session explores how components of the BASC–3 can be used to identify mental health issues and how results from these assessments can be used in the interpretation process and to guide BASC–3 interventions and supports. Participants will have access to this course for one year and are eligible to earn CE.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. On-demand training is accessed via a welcome email sent to the email address associated with the order.


  • BASC-3 Promoting Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being Development Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000355584 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour learning track addresses how a well-being focus using the BASC–3 can be applied in our schools to promote student social/emotional development and address behavioral and mental health issues. This session focuses on a strengths-based approach to screening, assessment, and intervention planning in order to identify behavioral components of student well-being and to support their development. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • BASC-3 Promoting Social, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being Development In Person 3 Hours
    A103000355585 Niveau de Qualification B

    This 3-hour learning track addresses how a well-being focus using the BASC–3 can be applied in our schools to promote student social/emotional development and address behavioral and mental health issues. This session focuses on a strengths-based approach to screening, assessment, and intervention planning in order to identify behavioral components of student well-being and to support their development. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.



Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
2:0 - 21:11 (TRS and PRS); 6:0 through college age (SRP)
T scores and percentiles, for a general population and clinical populations
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
10-20 minutes (TRS and PRS), 30 minutes (SRP)
Options de notation:

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and/or Reporting, or Manual Scoring

Autres langues:
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Détails du Produit

BASC-3 uses a comprehensive set of rating scales and forms to provide a complete picture of a child's or adolescent’s behavior and emotions.


  • Differentiate between hyperactivity and attention problems
  • Identify behavior problems as required by IDEA, and for developing FBAs, BIPs, and IEPs.
  • Strong base of theory and research gives a thorough set of highly interpretable scales.
  • Access to efficient and extensive reports using computer scoring and interpretation.


BASC-3 applies a triangulation method for gathering information. It analyzes a child’s behavior from three perspectives: self, teacher, and parent.

  • Teacher Rating Scales (TRS) measure adaptive and problem behaviors in the preschool or school setting.
  • Parent Rating Scales (PRS) measure both adaptive and problem behaviors in the community and home setting.
  • Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ).
  • Self-Report of Personality (SRP) provides insight into a child’s or adult’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Student Observation System (SOS) enables clinicians and other qualified observers to code and record direct observations of a child’ behavior in a classroom setting.
  • Structured Developmental History (SDH) offers a comprehensive history and background survey that supplies a thorough review of social, psychological, developmental, educational, and medical information on the child.
BASC-3 Pie Chart


Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.

Learn more

New Emotional Disturbance qualification scale to help identify and support students. Available now within BASC-3 kits.



Teacher Rating Scales (TRS)

  • Completed by: Teacher or other qualified professional
  • Measures: Adaptive and problem behaviors in the preschool or school setting
  • Forms: Preschool (ages 2 to 5), child (ages 6 to 11), and adolescent (ages 12 to 21)
  • Administration Time: 10-20 minutes
  • Number of items: 105-165, using behaviors that are rated on a four-point scale of frequency, ranging from "Never" to "Almost Always"
  • Validity: Validity and response set indexes used to help judge the quality of completed forms are also available.

Parent Rating Scales (PRS)

  • Completed by: Parent or caregiver
  • Measures: Adaptive and problem behaviors in the community and home setting
  • Forms: Preschool (ages 2 to 5), child (ages 6 to 11), and adolescent (ages 12 to 21)
  • Administration Time: 10-20 minutes
  • Number of items: 139-175 items, using a four-choice response format
  • Validity: Validity and response set indexes used to help judge the quality of completed forms are also available.

Self-Report of Personality (SRP)

  • Completed by: Self
  • Measures: Insight into a child's or adult's thoughts and feelings
  • Forms: SRP-I (ages 6 to 7), child (ages 8 to 11), adolescent (ages 12 to 21), college (ages 18 to 25), Spanish version available for the child and adolescent forms only
  • Administration Time: 30 minutes
  • Validity: Includes validity scales for helping judge the quality of completed forms. 
  • A Spanish version is available for the child and adolescent forms only.

BASC-3 Student Observation System (SOS)

  • Completed by: Teacher or other qualified professional
  • Records: Direct observations of a child’s behavior in a classroom setting
  • Assesses: Both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, from positive peer interaction to repetitive motor movements
  • Administration Time: Uses momentary time sampling during three-second intervals spaced 30 seconds apart over a 15-minute period
  • Can be employed for the direct observation portion of a Functional Behavior Assessment and can be used singly or with other BASC-3 components.

Structured Developmental History (SDH)

Offers a comprehensive history and background survey that supplies a thorough review of social, psychological, developmental, educational, and medical information on the child.

Emotional Disturbance Qualification scales (EDQs)

Aligning with IDEA Criteria for ED, BASC-3 EDQs reflect new combinations of existing BASC-3 clinical and adaptive scales. The EDQs cover five of the six IDEA criterion for ED, including:

  • Unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships
  • Inappropriate behavior and/or feelings
  • Unhappiness or depression
  • Physical symptoms or fears
  • Schizophrenia and related disorders of thought



The following training events are available for BASC-3.


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