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Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised

MIPS Revised
The Millon® Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS® Revised) test helps assess normally functioning adults who may be experiencing difficulties in work, family, or social relationships. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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  • Trousses

    Trousses de démarrage et trousses complètes, imprimées et numériques

    2 options

    de $186.70
  • Formulaires & rapports d'essai

    Livrets, formulaires d'enregistrement, livrets de réponse, rapports d'utilisation et abonnements

    7 options

    de $20.50
  • Matériels de soutien

    Manuels, livres de stimulation, articles de remplacement et autres matériaux

    3 options

    de $90.70
  • Tous les produits

    Tous les tests et matériaux proposés pour MIPS Revised

    12 options

    de $20.50
- de 12 résultats
  • MIPS Q-global Starter Kit (Digital)
    63577 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Manual (Digital) and 3 Q-global administrations with Interpretive Report (Digital)


    1-4 $186.70
    5-9 $177.40
    10-24 $168.00
    25-50 $158.70
    51+ $149.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Handscore Starter Kit (Print)
    46305 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes Revised Manual (Print), 10 Test Booklets (Print), 50 Answer Sheets (Print), and 26 Answer Keys (Print)


    1-4 $464.20
    5-9 $441.00
    10-24 $417.80
    25-50 $394.60
    51+ $371.30
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Revised Q-global Manual (Digital)
    0150300689 Niveau de Qualification B

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $90.70
    5-9 $86.10
    10-24 $81.50
    25-50 $77.00
    51+ $72.50
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Revised Manual (Print)
    46300 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $112.50
    5-9 $106.80
    10-24 $101.30
    25-50 $95.60
    51+ $90.00
    Les économies sont estimées
    Prêt à être expédié dans :6-7 semaines
  • MIPS Q-global Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63575 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $39.00
    5-9 $37.10
    10-24 $35.10
    25-50 $33.20
    51+ $31.20
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Q-global Profile Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    63576 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $20.50
    5-9 $19.60
    10-24 $18.50
    25-50 $17.50
    51+ $16.40
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Q Local Interpretive Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    51547 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $42.90
    5-9 $40.70
    10-24 $38.60
    25-50 $36.50
    51+ $34.30
    Les économies sont estimées
    Cet article doit être commandé par téléphone au 866-335-8427.
  • MIPS Q Local Profile Administration-Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    51548 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $23.60
    5-9 $22.30
    10-24 $21.20
    25-50 $20.00
    51+ $18.80
    Les économies sont estimées
    Cet article doit être commandé par téléphone au 866-335-8427.
  • MIPS Q Answer Sheets Qty 25 (Print)
    46304 Niveau de Qualification B

    Answer Sheet only; for use with either Q Local or Q-global systems


    1-4 $50.80
    5-9 $48.20
    10-24 $45.60
    25-50 $43.20
    51+ $40.60
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Handscore Answer Sheets Qty 50 (Print)
    46303 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $105.10
    5-9 $99.90
    10-24 $94.60
    25-50 $89.40
    51+ $84.00
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Test Booklets Qty 10 (Print)
    46301 Niveau de Qualification B


    1-4 $52.60
    5-9 $50.00
    10-24 $47.30
    25-50 $44.80
    51+ $42.10
    Les économies sont estimées
  • MIPS Answer Key Set Qty 1 (Print)
    46302 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes 26 Answer Keys


    1-4 $283.00
    5-9 $268.70
    10-24 $254.60
    25-50 $240.50
    51+ $226.40
    Les économies sont estimées


Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
18 and older
Niveau de lecture:
8th grade
Adult and college samples
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
25–30 minutes (180 true/false items)
Paper-and-pencil or computer administration, or online administration
Options de notation:
Q-global™ web-based, Q Local™ software, manual scoring, or mail-in scoring
Options du rapport:
Interpretive and Profile Reports
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Détails du Produit

Human resource specialists, social work and career counselors, private practice clinicians, and other professionals can use this test in a variety of settings.


  • Use for individual, relationship, premarital, and marriage counseling.
  • Use as a pre-offer screening tool to help with employee selection.
  • Use for leadership and employee development and assistance programs.


MIPS Revised addresses three key dimensions of normal personalities: Motivating Styles, Thinking Styles, and Behaving Styles.

  • Validity indices include: Positive Impression Negative Impression, Consistency, and Clinical Index.
  • Clinical Index helps screen for the possible presence of mental disorders in persons who present as normal.
  • With only 180 true/false items, the test can be completed in less than 30 minutes on average.
  • Adult norms based on 500 males and 500 females between the ages of 18 an d65.
  • College norms based on 800 male students and 500 females students from 14 colleges and universities.


View list of scales

Sample Reports

The following sample reports are available for MIPS Revised.


Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.

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Master of the Mind, a Theodore Millon Memoir

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Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

Test Content

What is the MIPS Revised test designed to do?

The MIPS Revised test helps address the need for a theoretically grounded instrument that may be administered by a broad range of professionals. This comprehensive test provides a greater range of information than many other assessments of normal personality, while offering the efficiency of a brief, easy-to-administer tool.

How is the MIPS Revised test different from the original MIPS test?

Scale names and profile display were updated to provide administrators with a better, more intuitive approach to interpreting test results.


In what settings is the MIPS Revised test appropriate?

It is useful as a counseling tool in private practice and university counseling centers as well as for career guidance, employee assistance and development programs, and job applicant screening.


The MIPS Revised test is comprised of contrasting bipolar scale pairs. Does a high score on one scale necessarily mean a low score on the other scale?

No. Although the bipolarities in the MIPS Revised test appear to present clear contrasts in personality styles, individuals rarely fall unequivocally at one or another extreme. In other words, each bipolar construct represents a continuum on which an individual's scores will fall somewhere on a gradient that represents the extent to which he/she exhibits the characteristic in question.

Why are prevalence scores (PS) used instead of T scores?

The prevalence score scaling procedure used for the MIPS test is preferred to T scores because prevalence scores more accurately reflect differences in the prevalence of various personality traits in the population. The use of T-score transformations would impose an arbitrary statistical rule that bears little resemblance to the reality of normal population prevalence rates and would inaccurately represent the distribution of many personality traits.

What is the relevance of the Positive and Negative Impression scores?

The MIPS Revised test contains two scales that attempt to measure the extent to which an individual's response style is characteristic of a positive-impression or negative-impression response set. The Positive Impression (PI) scale was designed to identify those individuals who tried to create an overly positive impression of themselves on the test. The Negative Impression (NI) scale, on the other hand, was designed to identify individuals whose responses tend to be associated with a generally negative self-perception.

Will recording the wrong gender make a difference on the profile?

Yes, because the MIPS Revised test has separate male and female norms.


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