Spelling Performance Evaluation for Language & Literacy | Third Edition

  • Jan Wasowicz, PhD
  • Kenn Apel, PhD
  • Julie J Masterson, PhD
  • Anne Whitney, EdD
SPELL-3 identifies the underlying language processes that are interfering with successful reading and spelling and automatically creates a data-driven intervention plan for the learner. Gain a roadmap for exactly which patterns and skills to address and in what order and know the specific lesson number and word study activities to turn to in the SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing – Word Study Curriculum for each instructional goal prescribed by SPELL-3See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.

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    de $36.60
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  • SPELL-3 Assessment QTY 1 (Digital)
    A103000369530 Niveau de Qualification B

    Includes one (1) administration of the SPELL-3 assessment; note that order processing may take several business days.

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Date de publication:
Groupe d’âge:
Grades K-Adult
Criterion-referenced scoring
Niveau de qualification:
Temps de passation:
Variable; average 30 minutes
Options de notation:
Options du rapport:
Results, Recommendations, Parent, Colleague, and Intervention Plan; Group Intervention Plan is also available.

Détails du Produit

Ground-breaking spelling assessment that deeply analyzes word skills and links directly to intervention.


Detect oral and written language deficits often missed by other assessments. With SPELL-3, you obtain a deep and highly sensitive measure of a student’s word study knowledge and skills for reading and spelling words. The assessment software automatically and seamlessly adapts to a student’s responses, presenting test items that are uniquely tailored for the individual student.

SPELL-3 does all the testing and planning work for you so you can devote more of your valuable time to teaching. Administration, scoring, data interpretation, written reports, targeted intervention plans, and student grouping by instructional needs—it’s all done for you!

Uses and Applications

SPELL-3 works in multiple settings—education, health care, and private practice. It also can be used:

  • individually
  • in small groups
  • across full classrooms or grades for instructional groupings

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