James N. Butcher, PhD
James N. Butcher, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, serving on its faculty for over 40 years. He received his graduate training at the University of North Carolina. Much of his career focuses on the use of the MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A across a variety of settings. His vita includes over 250 peer-reviewed articles, 58 books, and 38 years of providing continuing education workshops on the use of the MMPI instruments. Butcher was instrumental in identifying the need for a revision of the original MMPI, which resulted in the MMPI-2 and MMPI-A. He developed a computerized interpretive system, the Minnesota Reports to assist psychologists in their psychological evaluations with the MMPI-2 and MMPI-A. The Minnesota Reports were originally published in 1981. Currently available Minnesota Reports include the Adult Clinical System-Revised, Reports for Forensic Settings, Revised Personnel System, and Adolescent Interpretive Report (co-authored with Carolyn L. Williams).
Several of Professor Butcher’s recent books include interpretive recommendations and relevant research for psychologists to aid in their use of the MMPI-2, MMPI-A, and Minnesota Reports. These books include: A Beginner’s Guide to the MMPI-2 (3rd Edition) (2011), A Beginner’s Guide to the MMPI-A (with Carolyn L. Williams, 2011), Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment (Editor, 2009), Personality Assessment in Treatment Planning: Use of the MMPI-2 and BTPI (with Julia Perry, 2008),Assessing Hispanic Clients Using the MMPI-2 and MMPI-A (with Jose Cabiya, Emilia Lucio, and Maria Garrido, 2007), and MMPI/MMPI-2/MMPI-A in Court (3rd Edition) (with Kenneth Pope and Joyce Seelen, 2006). Additional information about the use of the MMPI instruments is available on the website maintained by Professor Butcher, MMPI-2, MMPI-A, and Minnesota Reports: Research and Clinical Applications.