- ABAS-3 (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System | Third Edition)
- ABAS-II (Système d'évaluation du comportement adaptatif - deuxième édition)
- ACS (Advanced Clinical Solutions for WAIS-IV and WMS-IV)
- ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised)
- ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule - Second Edition)
- AI (Test d'appariement d'images)
- aimswebPlus and aimswebPlus Canadian Edition
- ALOU-R (Test d'analyse de la lecture et de la dyslexie, « l'alouette»-forme révisée)
- AM-PAC (Activity Measure for Post Acute Care)
- ASA (Auditory Skills Assessment)
- ASDS (Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale)
- ASRS (Autism Spectrum Rating Scales)
- BADS (Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome)
- BADS-C (Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome in Children)
- BAI (Inventaire Beck Anxiety)
- BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory)
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- BASC-3 (BASC-3 Flex Monitor)
- BASC-3 (Behavior Assessment System for Children | Third Edition)
- BASC-3 BESS (BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System)
- BASC-3 CDN-F (Système d'évaluation du comportement de l'enfant-Troisième édition-Version pour francophones du Canada)
- BASC-3 Intervention Guide & Materials
- BASC-3 PRQ (BASC-3 Parenting Relationship Questionnaire)
- Bayley-4 (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development | Fourth Edition)
- Bayley-4 Screening Test (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Screening Test)
- Bayley-III (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development | Third Edition)
- Bayley-III Motor Scale (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development | Third Edition Motor Scale)
- Bayley-III Screening Test (Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Screening Test | Third Edition)
- BBCS-3:R (Bracken Basic Concept Scale | Third Edition: Receptive)
- BBCS-4:R (Bracken Basic Concept Scale | Fourth Edition: Receptive) NEW!
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- BBHI 2 (Brief Battery for Health Improvement 2)
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- BDI (BDI - FastScreen for Medical Patients)
- BDI-II (Inventaire de dépression de Beck)
- BDI–II (Beck Depression Inventory-II)
- BECS (Batterie d'évaluation cognitive et socio-émotionelle)
- BEERY VMI (Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration | Sixth Edition)
- Beery VMI Teaching Materials
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- Beta-4
- BHI 2 (Battery for Health Improvement 2)
- BHK (Echelle d'évaluation rapide de l'écriture chez l'enfant)
- BHK ADO (Échelle d'évaluation rapide de l'écriture chez l'adolescent)
- BHS (Beck Hopelessness Scale)
- BIT (Behavioral Inattention Test)
- BMAT (Bruininks Motor Ability Test)
- BOEHM-3 (Test des concepts de base de Boehm-troisième édition)
- Boehm-3 (Boehm Test of Basic Concepts | Third Edition)
- BOEHM-3 Maternelle (Test des concepts de base de Boehm-troisième édition, maternelle)
- Boehm-3 Preschool
- BOT-2 Brief Form (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency | Second Edition Brief Form)
- BOT-2 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency | Second Edition)
- BOT-3 Brief (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency | Third Edition Brief Form)
- BOT-3 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency | Third Edition)
- BROWN EF/A (Échelles Brown - Attention / Fonctions exécutives)
- Brown EF/A Scales (Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales)
- BrownADDScales (Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales)
- BSI (Inventaire abrégé de symptômes)
- BSI (Brief Symptom Inventory)
- BSI 18 (Brief Symptom Inventory 18)
- BSRA-3 (Bracken School Readiness Assessment | Third Edition)
- BSRA-4 (Bracken School Readiness Assessment | Fourth Edition) NEW!
- BSS (Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation)
- BYI (Inventaires Beck Youth) (version française)
- BYI-2 (Beck Youth Inventories | Second Edition)
- CAI (Career Assessment Inventory | The Enhanced Version)
- CAI (Career Assessment Inventory | The Vocational Version)
- CAMPROMPT (Cambridge Test of Prospective Memory)
- CAPE/PAC (Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment and Preferences for Activities of Children)
- CARS2 (Childhood Autism Rating Scale | Second Edition)
- CASL-2 (Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language | Second Edition)
- CBOCI (Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory)
- CBRS (Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scales)
- CC-A (Communication Checklist-Adult)
- CC-SR (Communication Checklist-Self Report)
- CCC-2 (Children's Communication Checklist-2 | U.S. Edition)
- CCC-2 (Children's Communication Checklist-Second Edition)
- CDI 2 (Children's Depression Inventory 2)
- CDM - Videos | Tour of Your Tomorrow Video Series
- CDM-R (Career Decision-Making System-Revised)
- CELF - 4 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fourth Edition)
- CELF Preschool-2 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-2)
- CELF Preschool-3 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3)
- CELF Preschool-3 Screening Test (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 Screening Test)
- CELF-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals | Fifth Edition)
- CELF-5 Metalinguistics (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals | Fifth Edition Metalinguistics)
- CELF-5 Screening (CELF-5 Screening Test)
- CELF-5-CDN-F (Évaluation clinique des notions langagières fondamentales Cinquième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- CELF® CDN-F (Évaluation clinique des notions langagières fondamentales®—version pour francophones du Canada)
- CISS (Campbell Interest and Skill Survey)
- CLIP (Clinical Language Intervention Program)
- CLQT+ (Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus)
- CMS (Echelle clinique de mémoire pour enfants)
- CMS (Children’s Memory Scale)
- Cogmed (Cogmed Working Memory Training Program)
- Conners 4 (Conners 4th Edition)
- CPM (Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices)
- CPM-BF (Progressive matrices couleur encastrables)
- CTA (Évaluation de la Pensée Critique – Watson Glaser)
- CTONI-2 (Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence | Second Edition)
- CTOPP-2 (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing | Second Edition)
- CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: A Retrospective Self-Report)
- CVLT (Epreuve d'évaluation de la mémoire de renommée internationale)
- CVLT-C (California Verbal Learning Test Children's Version)
- CVLT-II (California Verbal Learning Test | Second Edition)
- CVLT3 (California Verbal Learning Test | Third Edition)
- D-KEFS (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System)
- D-REF (Delis-Rating of Executive Functions)
- D–REF Adult (Delis Rating of Executive Functions, Adult)
- DAL for K-12 (Digital Assessment Library forEducation) also available in French
- DAL for Young Adult Mental Health also available in French
- DAS-II (Differential Ability Scales-II)
- DASH (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting)
- DASH 17+ (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting, DASH 17+)
- DASH-2 (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting, Second Edition)
- DAYC-2 (Developmental Assessment of Young Children | Second Edition)
- DBRS (Devereux Behavior Rating Scale | School Form)
- DCT (Dot Counting Test™)
- DEAP (Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology)
- DF-MOT (Développement fonctionnel moteur de 0 à 48 mois)
- DIAL-4 (Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning | Fourth Edition)
- DO 80 (Test de dénomination orale d'images)
- Doors and People (Doors and People)
- DRA3 (Developmental Reading Assessment®, 3rd Edition )
- DSMD (Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders)
- DTS version française (Davidson Trauma Scale)
- DTVP-3 (Developmental Test of Visual Perception | Third Edition)
- Eating Inventory
- ELO (Évaluation du Langage Oral)
- EMG (Évaluation de la motricité gnosopraxique distale)
- EMS (Everyday Memory Survey)
- ENT MEM (Entraîner sa mémoire)
- EOWPVT-4 (Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests | Fourth Edition)
- EPMO (Examen psychomoteur)
- EPOCAA (Echelle Pour l'Observation des Comportements d'Adultes avec Autisme)
- ERRNI (Expression, Reception, and Recall of Narrative Instrument)
- ESI-3 (The Early Screening Inventory | Third Edition)
- ESP (Early Screening Profiles)
- EVAC (Epreuve verbale d'aptitudes cognitives)
- EVT-2 (Expressive Vocabulary Test | Second Edition)
- EVT-3 (Expressive Vocabulary Test | Third Edition)
- EVT-3-CDN-F (Test de vocabulaire expressif—Troisième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- K-SEALS (Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills)
- KABC-II (Batterie pour l'examen psychologique de l'enfant—deuxième édition)
- KABC-II NU (Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update)
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- KBIT-2 Revised (Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test | Second Edition Revised) NEW!
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- KeyMath-3 DA (KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment)
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- KTEA-3 Brief (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Third Edition Brief Form)
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- KTEA-II (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Second Edition)
- L2MA-2 (La Batterie « langage oral, langage écrit, mémoire, attention »-2ème édition)
- LAC-3 (Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test-Third Edition)
- LIPS-4 (Lindamood® Phoneme Sequencing Program for Reading, Spelling, and Speech-Fourth Edition)
- LMC-R (Epreuve d'évaluation de la compétence en lecture)
- M-FUN (Miller Function and Participation Scales)
- M-PACI (Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory)
- MABC-2 (Batterie d'évaluation du mouvement chez l'enfant-seconde édition)
- MABC-3 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition)
- MACI (Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory)
- MACI-II (Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II)
- MAPI (Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory)
- MASC 2 (Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children | Second Edition)
- MBMD (Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic)
- MCCI (Millon College Counseling Inventory)
- MCMI-III (Inventaire clinique multiaxial de Millon—III)
- MCMI-III (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III)
- MCMI-III Corrections Report (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Corrections Report)
- MCMI-IV (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV)
- MEAMS (Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State)
- MEM-IV (Echelle Clinique de Mémoire de Wechsler-4ème Edition)
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Extended Score Report
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Hand-Scoring and Administration Materials
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- MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2)
- MMPI-2 (MMPI-2 The Minnesota Report: Reports for Forensic Settings)
- MMPI-2-RF (Inventaire de personnalité multiphasique du Minnesota-2-Forme restructurée)
- MMPI-2-RF (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form)
- MMPI-3 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3) (English)
- MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent)
- MMPI-A-RF (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form)
- MMPI®-2 (Extended Score Report)
- MMPI®-2 (Inventaire de personnalité multiphasique du Minnesota-2)
- MMPI®-2 (Matériel pour la correction manuelle)
- MMPI®-2 (The Minnesota Report™: Adult Clinical System-Revised, Fourth Edition)
- MMPI®-2 (The Minnesota Report™: Reports for Forensic Settings)
- MMPI®-2 (The Minnesota Report™: Revised Personnel System-Third Edition)
- Movement ABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition)
- Movement ABC-3 Checklist (Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition Checklist)
- MPQ (Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire)
- Mullen Scales (Mullen Scales of Early Learning)
- N-EEL (Nouvelles Epreuves pour l'Examen du Langage)
- NEPSY-II (Bilan neuropsychologique de l'enfant-Seconde édition)
- NEPSY-II (NEPSY | Second Edition)
- NFI (Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory)
- NP-MOT (Batterie d'évaluations des fonctions neuro-psychomotrices de l'enfant )
- NV5R (Batterie de tests d'aptitudes cognitives révisée)
- NV7 (Batterie multifactorielle d'aptitudes)
- OLAI-2 (The Oral Language Acquisition Inventory | Second Edition)
- OLSAT 8 (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test | Eighth Edition)
- OLSAT 8 Online (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test | Eighth Edition Online)
- OLSAT CDN-F (Test d'habileté scolaire Otis-Lennon—version pour francophones du Canada)
- OPUS (Oral Passage Understanding Scale)
- OWLS-II (OWLS-II Oral and Written Language Scales | Second Edition)
- P-3 (Pain Patient Profile)
- P-SCAN RV (Hare Psychopathy-Scan Research Version)
- PAL-II Reading & Writing, PAL-II Math, & PAL Guides (Process Assessment of the Learner | Second Edition)
- PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) NEW!
- PCL-YV (Hare PCL: Youth Version)
- PCL:SV (Hare Psychopathy Checklist Screening Version)
- PDMS–2 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales | Second Edition)
- PDMS-3 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Third Edition) NEW!
- PEDI-CAT (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test) (English)
- PEDI-CAT (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test) (Français)
- Piers-Harris 3 Self Concept Scale (Piers-Harris 3 Self Concept Scale)
- PLAI-2 (Preschool Language Assessment Instrument-Second Edition)
- PLS-5 (Échelle de langage préscolaire—cinquième édition—version française)
- PLS-5 (Preschool Language Scales | Fifth Edition)
- PLS-5 (Preschool Language Scales-5 Screening Test for Early Childhood Educators)
- PLS-5 Screening Test (Preschool Language Scales-5 Screening Test)
- PM (Progressive Matrices de Raven)
- PN (Test de patte noire)
- POMS 2 (Profile of Mood States Second Edition)
- Porteus Maze
- PPVT-4 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test | Fourth Edition)
- PPVT-5 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test | Fifth Edition)
- PPVT-5-CDN-F (Échelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody—Cinquième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- Profil Sensoriel - adolescent/adulte
- Profil Sensoriel 2
- Pyramids and Palm Trees (The Pyramids and Palm Trees Test)
- RAIS 2000 (Tests de Raisonnement)
- Raven's 2 (Raven's Progressive Matrices | Clinical Edition)
- RBANS Update (Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update)
- RBMT 3 (Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test—troisième édition)
- RBMT-3 (Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test | Third Edition)
- RBVS (Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools)
- RDB (Rookwood Driving Battery)
- REEL-4 (Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test-Fourth Edition)
- Review360
- RISB-2 (Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank | Second Edition)
- RISE (Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation)
- Rorschach (Rorschach Technique)
- ROWPVT-4 (Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests | Fourth Edition)
- RSCA (Resiliency Scales for Children & Adolescents: A Profile of Personal Strengths)
- SAR-SR (Social Adjustment Scale–Self-Report)
- SASSI-4 (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory | Fourth Edition)
- SCAN-3:A (SCAN-3:A Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults)
- SCAN-3:C (SCAN-3:C Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children)
- SCL-90-R (Liste de symptômes—90—R)
- SCL-90-R (Symptom Checklist-90-Revised)
- SCOLP (Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test)
- Sensory Profile 2
- Sensory Profile Adult/Adolescent (Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile)
- SFA (School Function Assessment)
- Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen
- SIB (Severe Impairment Battery)
- SIBS-S (Severe Impairment Battery-Short Form)
- SIP (Self Image Profiles)
- SIP- Adult (Self Image Profile for Adults)
- Social Cognition
- SPAI (Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory)
- SPAI-C (Self Image Profile for Children)
- Speed DIAL-4
- SPELL-3 (Spelling Performance Evaluation for Language & Literacy | Third Edition)
- SPELL-Links (SPELL-Links Intervention and Training Products)
- SPM and SPM Plus (Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus))
- SSI-4 (Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults-Fourth Edition)
- SSIS Performance Screening Guide (Social Skills Improvement System Performance Screening Guide)
- SSIS Rating Scales (Social Skills Improvement System SSIS Rating Scales)
- SSIS SEL (SSIS Social-Emotional Learning Edition)
- SSIS SEL-F – Apprentissage socio-émotionnel
- STROOP (Test d'attention sélective de Stroop)
- TAWF-2 (Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding-Second Edition)
- TEA (The Test of Everyday Attention)
- TEA-CH (Test d'évaluation de l'attention chez l'enfant)
- TEA-Ch2 (Test of Everyday Attention for Children | Second Edition)
- TECEL (Test of Early Communication and Emerging language)
- TEDI-MATH (Test diagnostique des compétences de base en mathématiques)
- TEDI-MATH GRANDS (Test diagnostique des compétences de base en mathématiques)
- TestNav
- TEWL-3 (Test of Early Written Language | Third Edition)
- TFLS (Texas Functional Living Scale)
- The Bridge of Vocabulary 2: Evidence-based Activities for Academic Success
- The Minnesota Report: Adult Clinical System-Revised | 4th Edition
- The Minnesota Report: Revised Personnel System | Third Edition
- The Ounce Scale
- The REAL (The Roll Evaluation of Activities of Life)
- TOAL-4 (Test of Adolescents and Adult Language-Fourth Edition)
- TOCS (Test of Childhood Stuttering)
- TOLD I:5 (Test of Language Development–Intermediate: Fifth Edition)
- TOLD-P:5 (Test of Language Development-Primary: Fifth Edition)
- TOMAL-2 (Test of Memory and Learning | Second Edition)
- TOMM (Test of Memory Malingering)
- TONI-4 (Test of Nonverbal Intelligence | Fourth Edition)
- TOPF (Test of Premorbid Functioning)
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- TOWRE-2 (Test of Word Reading Efficiency | Second Edition)
- TROG-2 (Test for Reception of Grammar-Version 2)
- TSEA (Test de socialisation de l'enfant et de l'adolescent)
- TWF-2 (Test of Word Finding-Second Edition)
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- Vineland-3 CDN-F Échelle d’évaluation du comportement socio-adaptatif de Vineland | Troisième Edition pour francophones du Canada NOUVEAU!
- Vineland-II (Echelle d'évaluation du comportement socio-adaptatif de Vineland)
- VIP (Validity Indicator Profile)
- VOSP (Visual Object and Space Perception Battery)
- WAB-R (Western Aphasia Battery-Revised)
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- WAIS–IV CDN (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Fourth Edition)
- WASI-II (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence | Second Edition)
- WES (Wellbeing Evaluation Scale)
- WF:AS (Wechsler Fundamentals: Academic Skills-Canadian)
- WHIM (Wessex Head Injury Matrix)
- WIAT-II CDN-F (Test de rendement individuel de Wechsler®-deuxième édition-version pour francophones)
- WIAT-III-CDN (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test | Third Edition: Canadian)
- WIAT®-4 CDN (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®, Fourth Edition-Canadian)
- WIAT-4 Dyslexia Index (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test | Fourth Edition: Dyslexia Index)
- WISC-V CDN-F (Échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants—Cinquième édition)
- WISC-V-CDN (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition: Canadian)
- WISC®-IV CDN-F (L'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants®-Quatrième édition-Version pour francophones du Canada)
- WISC®-V Integrated (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition, Integrated)
- WMRS (Working Memory Rating Scale)
- WMS-IV (Wechsler Memory Scale | Fourth Edition)
- WNV CDN-F (L'échelle non verbale d'aptitude de Wechsler : canadienne)
- WNV-CDN (Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability)
- WPPSI-IV CDN-F (L'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour la période préscolaire et primaire—Quatrième édition—Version pour francophones du Canada)
- WPPSI-IV-CDN (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence | Fourth Edition: Canadian)
- WRAML2 (Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning | Second Edition)
- WRAML3 (Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning | Third Edition)
- WRAT5 (Wide Range Achievement Test | Fifth Edition)
- WRAVMA (Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities)
- WRIT (Wide Range Intelligence Test)
- WRMT-III (Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests | Third Edition)
- BAI (Inventaire Beck Anxiety)
- BASC-3 CDN-F (Système d'évaluation du comportement de l'enfant-Troisième édition
- BDI-II (Inventaire de dépression de Beck)
- BECS (Batterie d'évaluation cognitive et socio-émotionelle)
- BHK (Echelle d'évaluation rapide de l'écriture chez l'enfant)
- BHK ADO (Échelle d'évaluation rapide de l'écriture chez l'adolescent)
- BHS (Échelle de désespoir de Beck)
- BOEHM-3 (Test des concepts de base de Boehm-troisième édition)
- BOEHM-3 Maternelle (Test des concepts de base de Boehm-troisième édition, maternelle)
- BROWN EF/A (Échelles Brown - Attention / Fonctions exécutives)
- BSI (Inventaire abrégé de symptômes)
- BSS (Échelle d'idéation suicidaire de Beck)
- BYI (Inventaires Beck Youth) (version française)
- CELF-5-CDN-F (Évaluation clinique des notions langagières fondamentales Cinquième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- CELF® CDN-F (Évaluation clinique des notions langagières fondamentales®—version pour francophones du Canada)
- CMS (Echelle clinique de mémoire pour enfants)
- Conners 4 (Conners—Quatrième édition)
- CPM-BF (Progressive matrices couleur encastrables)
- CTA (Évaluation de la Pensée Critique – Watson Glaser)
- CVLT (Epreuve d'évaluation de la mémoire de renommée internationale)
- ELO (Évaluation du Langage Oral)
- EMG (Évaluation de la motricité gnosopraxique distale)
- ENT MEM (Entraîner sa mémoire)
- EPMO (Examen psychomoteur)
- EPOCAA (Echelle Pour l'Observation des Comportements d'Adultes avec Autisme)
- EVAC (Epreuve verbale d'aptitudes cognitives)
- EVT-3-CDN-F (Test de vocabulaire expressif—Troisième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- MABC-2 (Batterie d'évaluation du mouvement chez l'enfant-seconde édition)
- MCMI-III (Inventaire clinique multiaxial de Millon—III)
- MEM-IV (Echelle Clinique de Mémoire de Wechsler-4ème Edition)
- MMPI-2-RF (Inventaire de personnalité multiphasique du Minnesota-2-Forme restructurée)
- MMPI®-2 (Inventaire de personnalité multiphasique du Minnesota-2)
- MMPI®-2 (Matériel pour la correction manuelle)
- PEDI-CAT (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test) (Français)
- PLS-5 (Échelle de langage préscolaire—cinquième édition—version française)
- PM (Progressive Matrices de Raven)
- PN (Test de patte noire)
- PPVT-5-CDN-F (Échelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody—Cinquième édition : Version pour francophones du Canada)
- Profil Sensoriel - adolescent/adulte
- Profil Sensoriel 2
- WAIS-IV CDN-F (L'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour adultes—Quatrième édition: Édition de recherche—Version pour francophones du Canada)
- WIAT-II CDN-F (Test de rendement individuel de Wechsler®-deuxième édition-version pour francophones)
- WISC-V CDN-F (Échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants—Cinquième édition)
- WISC®-IV CDN-F (L'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants®-Quatrième édition-Version pour francophones du Canada)
- WNV CDN-F (L'échelle non verbale d'aptitude de Wechsler : canadienne)
- WPPSI-IV CDN-F (L'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour la période préscolaire et primaire—Quatrième édition—Version pour francophones du Canada)