Robert Tringone, PhD
Robert Tringone, PhD, received his doctorate at the University of Miami where he studied under Dr. Theodore Millon. Through their joint research ventures, Dr. Tringone served as a Personality Disorders Adviser to the DSM-IV Axis II Work Group.
Since 1992, Dr. Tringone has been a Pearson-certified Workshop Leader, focusing on adolescent assessment with the MACI and integrating results from this instrument with several projective techniques. He is co-author of the M-PACI, a self-report instrument for 9-12 year olds, and has authored or co-authored numerous book chapters on the MACI and M-PACI tests.
Dr. Tringone works at St. John’s University in the Department of Wellness on the Queens, New York campus, and maintains a private practice for children, adolescents and adults. He serves as the Coordinator of Inventory Training for the Institute for the Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology.