${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.
A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, order history and Q-global ordering for both accounts are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, please contact us.
${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.
A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, qualified users, order history and Q-global ordering for both organizations are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, contact us.
Everything you wanted to know about the BOT-3 but were NOT afraid to ask
Q&A with BOT-3 Product Manager, Melinda Cooper
The BOT™-3 is nearly ready to launch! You’ve asked such thoughtful questions about the new test, so we’ve assembled the most common ones, then grouped them by topic to make it easier for you to find the answers you’re seeking.
Links to get more information about the BOT-3 , BOT-3 Brief, and budget-stretching bundling options can be found at the end of this Q&A. Please reach out to your assessment consultant if you have questions we have not covered here.
The Skilled Manual Performance score can be obtained from either the Complete kit (print or digital versions) or the Fine Motor kit, as it is derived from fine motor subtests. The Planning and Coordination and Movement Fundamentals scores can only be accessed with a Complete kit (either print or digital) as they contain items that are spread across multiple subtests and involve both gross and fine motor items.
There is no "upgrade kit" available. While some of the manipulatives are the same in both kits, others have been altered to improve their utility with BOT-3. The BOT-3 and BOT-3 Brief also have new manuals, administration easels, record forms, and response materials, so most items in the kit are new and cannot be repurposed from the old edition. However, if you have a BOT-2 balance beam, you can use it to administer the Extended Balance items.
The BOT-3 Brief items are all taken from the BOT-3 Complete test and use some of the same manipulatives. However, the BOT-3 Brief has its own record form and response booklet and the norms are in the combined administration easel/manual, so all these components would still need to be purchased. It is far more cost-effective to purchase the BOT-3 Complete and BOT-3 Brief kits together as a discounted bundle.
If you’re using on-screen administration in Q-global, the videos are embedded within the digital record form. There is also a PDF in the Q-global resource library with links to each video.
If you don’t have a Q-global account, you can access the videos on our YouTube channel. They can be viewed via any internet-connected device. However, we do not advocate using a phone to show the videos to examinees due to the small screen size.
Yes. You can purchase individual Q-global administration/reports or scoring subscriptions to complement your print kit. The administration/reports provide access to either on-screen administration or manual entry of data from a paper record form. The scoring subscriptions can only be used for manual entry and must be used alongside a paper record form.
Yes. If all items in at least one individual subtest or supplemental score item set are completed, Q-global will let you generate a report. The price of a Q-global administration/report is the same regardless of how many subtests are administered.
All balance items in the core Balance subtest are administered on the floor. Some use a line to stand or walk on. The items in this subtest were designed to measure functional balance abilities needed for everyday life situations, so they do not require a balance beam.
If you think the examinee is capable, the optional advanced balance items allow you to test higher level balance skills, including more challenging dynamic and static balance skills.
The Extended Balance score may be particularly useful for:
In-depth assessment of balance skills in cases of return-to-play assessments or identifying how a brain injury is impacting balance
Situations where the examinee wants to participate in activities that involve more challenging balance demands
Certain types of research that focus on balance as a primary outcome measure (As Growth Scale Values (GSVs) are available for the Extended Balance score, this score can also be used to monitor balance over time.)
We made the decision to offer combined norms based on in-depth analysis of a sex-balanced sample of over 1,300 examinees. We found that the sex differences were negligible and didn’t warrant completely different norms.
Yes. Free introductory training will be available around the same time the test is published. We will also offer a paid three-hour training option that will provide more detail about the administration and interpretation of the BOT-3.