Telepractice and aimswebPlus
A telepractice session includes an examiner in one geographical location and a student in a different location. Using a high-speed internet connection and a secure software platform designed for web-based meetings (i.e., teleconference platform), an examiner, a student, and a facilitator or proctor in the student location join a shared web-based meeting via computers with audio and video capability. The examiner and student can see and hear one another throughout the session. Text, pictures, and video can be shared through the teleconference platform.
This telepractice information is intended to support you in making informed, well-reasoned decisions around remote assessment. This information is not intended to be comprehensive regarding all considerations for assessment via telepractice. It should not be interpreted as a requirement or recommendation to conduct assessment via telepractice.
You should remain mindful to:
- Follow professional best practice recommendations and respective ethical codes
- Follow telepractice regulations and legal requirements from federal, provincial and local authorities, licensing boards, professional liability insurance providers, and payors
- Develop competence with assessment via telepractice through activities such as practicing, studying, consulting with other professionals, and engaging in professional development.
You should use your judgment to determine if assessment via telepractice is appropriate for a particular examinee, referral question, and situation. There are circumstances where assessment via telepractice is not feasible and/or is contraindicated. Documentation of all considerations, procedures, and conclusions remains a professional responsibility.
The aimswebPlus® measures can be administered in a telepractice context. Measures that use digital record forms (DRFs) follow one procedure, while the measures that use TestNav® (Pearson’s secure online-testing platform) follow another. This page describes how to administer DRF-scored and TestNav-delivered measures via telepractice.
The DRF and TestNav aimswebPlus measures can all be administered in a telepractice context. This guide serves as a framework to support the administration of both types of measures in this new context. In addition, educators should be sure to adhere to their national/state organization’s and local education agency’s recommendations regarding telepractice.
The calibration and norming of the aimswebPlus measures were not done within a telepractice context. As such, the educator administering these measures should use their professional judgement to determine if the telepractice assessment experience for a given student was comparable to a typical assessment experience at school.