Gale H. Roid, PhD
Dr. Gale Roid is Professor of Education at SMU specializing in assessment and test development in the School of Education & Human Development. He was formerly Dunn Professor of Educational and Psychological Assessment, Department of Special Education, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. He is author of several well-known Stoelting tests including the Leiter-R and Merrill-Palmer-Revised.
Dr. Roid has conducted more than 70 training workshops on assessment for school districts and State or National conferences. Dr. Roid has extensive experience with assessment and evaluation in K-12 schools and with research on item writing and criterion-referenced assessment. He was previously technical advisor or consultant for the Oregon Statewide Assessment Program (the system of school achievement tests used throughout public schools in Oregon), Department of Education, State of Oregon. He conducted workshops for teachers on mathematics assessment, organized standards-setting panels, and conducted IRT scaling research.
He is a recipient or consultant to several federal grants as well as the author of 7 published tests, 9 books, 30 chapters and research articles in professional journals, and more than 60 presentations at professional conferences. He is a Fellow of Division 5 (Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics) of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Roid earned his bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and both an MA and a PhD from the University of Oregon. He teaches assessment, measurement, research design, and other methods courses at SMU.