Harold Ireton
Associate Professor (now retired) at University of Minnesota-Health Sciences Center. Consultant and workshop leader.
Since 1963, Dr. Ireton has been a developmental psychologist, whose career spans 35 years in the departments of Pediatrics and Family Medicine at the University of Minnesota. He has been involved in training pediatric and family practice residents, providing clinical services to children with developmental disabilities and conducting applied research with children and adults.
Dr. Ireton has committed his interests equally between the development of parents and children, promoting parent involvement, building parent-professional collaboration and encouraging children and their parents. His research and clinical interest has been in the development of parent-friendly screening and assessment tools for young children. Dr. Ireton is the author of standardized parent questionnaires for assessment (The Child Development Inventory) and screening (Infant Development Inventory, Child Development Review) as well as a system for integrating parents’ and professionals’ observations and concerns. He is the author of numerous articles and three books related to developmental screening and assessment.