Case Demonstrations Using the MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR)

The webinar is designed for individuals familiar with the MMPI-2-RF - for example, those who have completed the MMPI-2-RF: Basic Overview webinar or the MMPI-2-RF: Police and Law Enforcement webinar.

Presenter: Dave Corey, Ph.D., ABPP

This advanced webinar focuses on using the MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR) in combination with measures of normal personality, collateral/background information, and clinical interview findings to determine a candidate’s psychological suitability for police work.  Additional topics will include legal considerations and best practices. Use of the PCIR in these assessments will be illustrated by the application of a comprehensive model that integrates diverse findings from actual case materials. The webinar is designed for individuals familiar with the MMPI-2-RF - for example, those who have completed the MMPI-2-RF: Basic Overview webinar or the MMPI-2-RF: Police and Law Enforcement webinar.


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