Using the Raven’s 2 to Assess General Ability Nonverbally

This session will describe the components of the Raven’s 2, directions for administration, technical properties, and interpretive considerations.

Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD, HSP-P and Anne-Marie Kimbell, PhD, MSEd

The Raven’s Progressive Matrices 2, Clinical Edition (Raven’s® 2: 2018) is a nonverbal assessment of general cognitive ability for individuals ages 4:0 to 90:11. The assessment is an integrated revision of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM; Raven, 1936) which includes the Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM; Raven, 1947), Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM; Raven, 1938), and Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM; Raven, 1947). The Raven’s 2 combines the CPM, SPM, and APM into a single test battery with novel items and contemporary normative information. It can be administered using traditional paper format or digital format on Q-global®, Pearson’s web-based administration, scoring, and reporting platform.

This session will describe the components of the Raven’s 2, directions for administration, technical properties, and interpretive considerations.


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