Assessing Personality Disorders with the MMPI-2-RF

This webinar will cover an empirically validated mapping of MMPI-2-RF scales onto the 10 personality disorders listed in the DSM-5.

Presenter: Martin Sellbom, PhD

The MMPI-2-RF scales measure a wide range of psychological constructs many of which are relevant to personality disorders. This webinar will cover an empirically validated mapping of MMPI-2-RF scales onto the 10 personality disorders listed in the DSM-5. Basic links between the MMPI-2-RF and the alternative model for personality disorders (in DSM-5 Section III) will be covered as well. The webinar will conclude with a brief case example.

Prior to attending this webinar it is recommended that you have attended the MMPI-2-RF: Basic Overview webinar or that you have an understanding of the empirical foundations of the MMPI-2-RF.


Assessing Personality Disorders with the MMPI-2-RF
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