Introducing the BASC-3 Flex Monitor Webinar (Register Now)
This webinar will focus on the development and clinical applications of this unique technology as a means to improve treatment outcome as well as improve programs for intervention with individuals with emotional and behavioral disorders.
Presenter: Cecil Reynolds, PhD
The BASC-3 Flex Monitor is a revolutionary new tool that will allow psychologists to develop and apply unique self-report and behavior rating scales with known psychometric qualities that are then normed against the BASC-3 nationally standardization sample. Psychologists may design such forms for unique cases for applications in following the progress of any given case (N=1) or may develop a specialized self-report or behavior rating scale for parents and/or teachers that is applicable to children and youth in specific programs within a school or clinic setting, designed specifically to match the treatment goals of the program. The current webinar will focus on the development and clinical applications of this unique technology as a means to improve treatment outcome as well as improve programs for intervention with individuals with emotional and behavioral disorders. Specific instruction regarding the development of individualized forms by the clinician will be provided along with evaluating reliable change and the sharing of forms across clinicians within a common account system.