Remote Screening for Child Mental Health, Behavioral, and Emotional Risk Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Randy Kamphaus, PhD

The BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS) offers a reliable, quick, and systematic way to determine behavioral and emotional strengths and areas of need in PreK through adolescence.

This 90-minute webinar will serve to demonstrate the wide array of behaviors that represent both behavioral problems and strengths, and the convenience of the remote self-report forms. Participants will also learn how to use the results to choose data-based interventions and behavioral support practices for the individuals and groups of students screened.

Universal screening is critically important in identifying mental health, behavior, and emotional concerns. The BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS) offers a reliable, quick, and systematic way to determine behavioral and emotional strengths and areas of need in PreK through adolescence. Remote forms can be emailed to parents, teachers, or students to gather this information for groups of children.

The BASC-3 BESS allows you to:

  1. Assess a wide array of behaviors that represent both behavioral problems and strengths.
  2. Use forms that can be completed in approximately five minutes or less, without the need for specialized training
  3. Utilize Spanish-language versions of the parent and student self-report forms
  4. Use Total Score on the report to accurately predict a broad range of behavioral, emotional and academic issues
  5. Explore indexes that identify responses that may be overly negative or inconsistent
  6. Highlight issues with internalizing behaviors
  7. Choose data-based interventions and behavioral support practices for individuals and groups of students

Participants of this webinar will learn:

  1. Epidemiology of child psychopathology and subsyndromal mental health conditions and risk, including evidence of failure of qualitative referral for detecting child mental health problems or risk
  2. Basic principles of universal screening including assessment selection, permission and assent, timing of administration, qualifications and roles of screening team members, false negative and positive cases, choosing informants, and monitoring services
  3. Content validity, other validity, and reliability evidence of the BESS parent, teacher, and self-report English and Spanish forms
  4. How to use V, F, L, Pattern, and Consistency validity indexes to gauge the validity of each rater’s scores How to triage students by normal, elevated, and extremely elevated risk
  5. How to use the Behavioral and Emotional Skill Building Guide for social/emotional learning, prevention, and intervention


Remote Screening for Child Mental Health, Behavioral, and Emotional Risk Webinar (Recording)
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