MMPI-3 Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR) Overview Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Dave Corey, PhD, ABPP

In this webinar, MMPI-3 PCIR co-author and internationally recognized police psychologist David M. Corey discusses the use of the MMPI-3 in law enforcement candidate evaluations.

In this webinar, MMPI-3 PCIR co-author and internationally recognized police psychologist David M. Corey discusses the use of the MMPI-3 in law enforcement candidate evaluations. Dr. Corey will address the use of the MMPI-3 in suitability evaluations with a special emphasis on test interpretation guidance that will assist you in integrating test results with findings from the clinical interview and other components of the assessment.  


MMPI-3 Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR) Overview Webinar (Recording)
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