The Delis Rating of Executive Functions – Adult (D-REF Adult) Part 1: Rationale, Features, and National Normative Data Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Dean Delis, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

Dr. Delis will explain the primary objectives and features of the D-REF Adult, including the development of an EF rating scale that takes about half the time of existing EF rating scales while still providing both validity scales and clinical scales that assess the major areas of executive function and dysfunction in adults.

This two-part webinar series will discuss the rationale, development, and empirical data of a new behavioral rating scale of higher-level executive functions (EF) in adults, ages 19 to 79.

In Part 1, Dr. Delis will explain the primary objectives and features of the D-REF Adult, including the development of an EF rating scale that takes about half the time of existing EF rating scales while still providing both validity scales (e.g., to assess over-reporting of EF symptoms) and clinical scales that assess the major areas of executive function and dysfunction in adults.

Dr. Delis will discuss other features of this inventory, including:

  • The ability to use the measure in both in-person and tele-assessment evaluations
  • Statistical linkage to performance-based cognitive tests of executive functions (e.g., the forthcoming Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, Second Edition)
  • The relative advantages of EF rating scales versus cognitive-performance tests of EF
  • Use of the D-REF Self versus Collateral rating forms to provide a broader assessment of an individual’s adaptive EF skills
  • Use of the D-REF in repeat evaluations to assess various clinical questions, such as the effectiveness of interventions or the presence of an insidious progressive process


The Delis Rating of Executive Functions – Adult (D-REF Adult) Part 1: Rationale, Features, and National Normative Data Webinar (Recording)
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