MMPI-3 Public Safety Candidate Interpretive Reports (PSCIRs) Overview Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): David M. Corey

Introducing an expanded suite of MMPI®-3 public safety reports to meet your personnel selection needs: the new Correctional Candidate Interpretive Report (CCIR), Dispatcher Candidate Interpretive Report (DCIR), Firefighter Candidate Interpretive Report (FCIR), and the updated Police Candidate Interpretive Report (PCIR).

Developed with MMPI®-3 normative data and based on the most up-to-date public safety candidate outcome research, the MMPI-3 Public Safety Candidate Interpretive Reports (PSCIRs) help psychologists identify high-risk candidates in an efficient, evidence-based, and legally defensible way. In this webinar, PSCIR coauthor and internationally recognized police psychologist, David M. Corey, discusses the use of the MMPI-3 in police, correctional, dispatcher, and firefighter/medic candidate evaluations.

Prior to attending this webinar, it is recommended that you have attended an MMPI-3 Overview webinar or that you understand the empirical foundations of the MMPI-3.


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