School readiness
Building a foundation for lifelong learning
School readiness is determined by so much more than a child’s birth date. Their social-emotional and language skills, functional performance, cognition, understanding of basic relational concepts, and the development and integration of their sensory and motor systems all play a crucial part in determining whether they're adequately prepared.
Occupational therapy school readiness tools
M-FUN assesses a child's functional performance related to daycare, preschool, and school participation using fun, colorful activities, and materials designed to engage young children.
PEDI-CAT is a digital caregiver questionnaire that provides both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced information about performance in Mobility, Daily Activities, and Social/Cognitive tasks as well as the level of Responsibility assumed by children and adolescents.
Beery™ VMI Teaching Materials
Beery VMI parent checklist and developmental wall chart help parents and teachers estimate and encourage a child’s progress with user-friendly, pre-writing intervention resources.
Quickly and easily gain a detailed understanding of a child’s or adolescent’s ability to perform personal and instrumental activities of daily living.