Phonological Processes and Beyond: Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-3 Webinar (Recording)

This course will provide information on phonological analysis for two case studies: one preschooler and one school-age child.

Presenter: Linda M. L. Khan, MS, CCC-SLP

The Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis – 3 is a companion analysis for the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation – 3. These continue to be the most widely used assessments for evaluating articulation and phonological processes. The KLPA-3 provides an in-depth phonological process analysis for individuals of any age with speech sound disorders and should be used as well for children between the ages of 2 and 5 who are still developing their speech sound systems. This course will provide information on phonological analysis for two case studies: one preschooler and one school-age child. The KLPA-3 will be scored step-by-step and then analyzed/summarized for both children. The results will be used to develop appropriate target processes with examples of target phonemes/words for each phonological process. The discussion will include information on the newest time-saving option:digital scoring.


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