Review 360 Webinar (Recording)
This webinar will discuss the features of the Review360 solutions and share some of the data we’ve collected over the years working with our long-time customers to improve outcomes for all students.
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Presenter: Sydney Herndon
Need help improving behavior and school climate at your school or district? Do you need consistency in your data collection methods from school to school? Do you want to identify students in need of behavioral support? If so, Review360 is the tool for you.
Our solutions for general education applications support educators with professional development, intervention strategies, progress monitoring, and real-time reports and analyses to better promote positive behavioral outcomes. With these tools in place, students spend more time in the classroom learning therein increasing academic success, and administrators are better able to make decisions based on real-time data to support students and teachers.
This webinar will discuss the features of the Review360 solutions and share some of the data we’ve collected over the years working with our long-time customers to improve outcomes for all students.