How Do You Manage the Manipulation? Active vs. Passive, Self-Orientation of the Narcissistic and Antisocial Spectra Webinar (Recording)

This webinar goes beyond DSM-5 categorical criteria and seeks to uncover and illuminate key motivational distinctions between two personality diagnoses known for interpersonal manipulation. Participants will examine how Millon's theory helps delineate this distinction and identifies therapeutic direction.

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Presenter: Seth Grossman, PsyD

This webinar goes beyond DSM-5 categorical criteria and seeks to uncover and illuminate key motivational distinctions between two personality diagnoses known for interpersonal manipulation. Participants will examine how Millon's theory helps delineate this distinction and identifies therapeutic direction.

As a result of the webinar participants will (1) distinguish between motivating aims of the Narcissistic and Antisocial personality patterns; (2) define manipulation patterns evidenced by both personality prototypes, as well as potential differences with the presence of other personality influences; and (3) identify treatment directions based on these individuals' motivating aims.


How Do You Manage the Manipulation? Active vs. Passive, Self-Orientation of the Narcissistic and Antisocial Spectra
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