Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Overview - The BASC-3 BESS on aimswebPlus, Q-global, and Review360
This webinar provides an overview of screening with the BASC-3 BESS as a tool to help detect behavioral and emotional risk for children in schools and other settings.
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Presenters: Sydney Herndon, Chris Huzinec, Laura Moreno, and Heather Haugse
This webinar provides an overview of screening with the BASC-3 BESS as a tool to help detect behavioral and emotional risk for children in schools and other settings. Forms available, time for administration, format of administration, and reporting options on aimswebPlus, Q-global, and Review360 will be covered. There are slight differences in administration of the BASC-3 BESS on the different platforms, so understanding which system will best suite your needs will help in your decision-making process.