Building a Comprehensive Assessment System for Early Childhood Programs Webinar (Recording)

This webinar will describe a comprehensive assessment system for early childhood programs that includes measures to make decisions about teaching and learning for all children and identify and implement appropriate interventions for individual children.  

Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD

Assessment is an integral part of effective and accountable early childhood programs, because it allows us to determine if students are acquiring the knowledge and skills we are teaching. As described by professional organizations, administrators of programs for children ages three through eight years should select assessment methods that are developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically responsive, inclusive of families, and supported by professional development (Joint Position Statement National Association for the Education and Young Children [NAEYC] and National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education [NAECS/SDE], 2003).

This webinar will describe a comprehensive assessment system for early childhood programs that includes measures to make decisions about teaching and learning for all children and identify and implement appropriate interventions for individual children.  


Building a Comprehensive Assessment System for Early Childhood Programs
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