Clinical Validity of Bayley-4: Comparison of Clinical Groups & Matched Controls Webinar (Recording)
This webinar will explain specific areas of function that are delayed and intervention strategies appropriate for at least three of the clinical groups described in the Bayley-4 validity studies.
Presented by: Glen P. Aylward, Ph.D., ABPP
A primary purpose of the Bayley-4 is to identify infants and toddlers who have delays in development. One way to verify the validity of the new test for this purpose is to compare children from at-risk groups to matched controls to determine if there are differences in scores. Infants and toddlers from specifically defined risk groups were included in the Bayley-4 validity studies (for example: children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Language Delay; Developmental Delay; Motor Impairment; Prenatal Drug/Alcohol Exposure; Moderately or Late Preterm (32-36 weeks); and Extremely or Very Preterm (<32 weeks)). Children from these risk groups were compared on all the Bayley-4 subscales.
Learner Outcomes
Based on the content of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the rationale for the inclusion of the clinical validity studies in Bayley-4.
- List at least three clinical groups included in the clinical validity studies for Bayley-4.
- Explain specific areas of function that are delayed and intervention strategies appropriate for at least three of the clinical groups described in the Bayley-4 validity studies.