Assessing Language Skills in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Patricia Ybarra, Shannon Wang, Nancy Castilleja

Difficulties with communication, language, and social skills are common concerns for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). While some individuals’ communication and language difficulties are subtle, other individuals’ difficulties are severe. Early identification in all cases provides the best opportunity for improvement. This webinar will focus on assessments appropriate for individuals of different ages and language ability levels.

Difficulties with communication, language, and social skills are common concerns for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). While some individuals’ communication and language difficulties are subtle, other individuals’ difficulties are severe. Early identification in all cases provides the best opportunity for improvement. This webinar will focus on assessments appropriate for individuals of different ages and language ability levels. Discussion will include how each assessment provides information to identify the communication strengths and weaknesses of individuals diagnosed with ASD, intervention planning, and engagement of families and teachers to improve communication at home, in the community, and at school.

Learner Outcomes

Based on the content of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe three communication behaviors that can be difficult for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
  2. Name at least one assessment that targets these communication behaviors for each age group: infants and toddlers, preschoolers, school age children, and adults.
  3. Explain at least one method for engaging families and teachers in intervention.


Assessing Language Skills in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
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