MTSS Framework – How do I Define MTSS and its System Components? Webinar (Recording)
Presenter(s): Dr. Doug Maraffa, Dr. Adam Bauserman, Chris Huzinec
This webinar will highlight the importance of how all the components of an MTSS framework are systematically implemented to improve student achievement.
Multi-tier System of Supports is a comprehensive support framework that provides a structure for supporting students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional development. Each year, educators face a deluge of factors impacting student achievement, and a comprehensive support structure can effectively mitigate the adverse effects those factors have on student growth. MTSS is not RtI (Response to Intervention), although many educators use them synonymously, so understanding how an RtI process functions within an MTSS structure is critical towards supporting individual student needs. This webinar will highlight the importance of how all the components of an MTSS framework are systematically implemented to improve student achievement.