Behavioral Assessments & Tests
What’s the solution?
No matter what the cause, we have solutions to help keep your classrooms on track while improving your students' academic success. There are a few schools of thought on the best way to approach and mitigate behaviour issues. The most common of these are Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which is an umbrella framework that includes Response to Intervention (RTI), and the Positive Behavioural Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework.
Just as no two students are exactly alike, there is no cut-and-dry solution to remediating behaviour concerns, however, regardless of whether your board utilizes the MTSS or the PBIS framework, we have the tools to help your students reach their full potential and succeed academically while improving school climate.

1. Screen: Identify behaviour issues BEFORE they become a problem
The first step to developing a consistent behaviour management plan is early universal and individual screening for behaviours of concern, including social skills, before they become a problem in the classroom.
2. Assess: Get to the root of the behaviour issue
Through the screening process, you've identified individual students that may have a social-emotional or behavioural concern. Now is the time for more in-depth assessment to further determine the reason for the problem.
3. Intervene: Effective behaviour remediation starts with consistent interventions
You've screened. You've assessed. You have a clear picture of what's going on with your at-risk students. Now what? Studies have shown that the most effective method of mediating behaviour and social-emotional issues is through consistent, data-driven interventions — all of which can be implemented as soon as a student has been screened.
4. Monitor: Keep track of your students' progress to identify what's working
Confidence that a behaviour or social-emotional intervention plan is working is just as important as an accurate assessment. Being able to track your students' progress, monitor their social-emotional growth, identify what's working (and what's not), and make adjustments as a team is crucial to your students' success.