KTEA-3 and WIAT-III Dyslexia Index Scores: The What's, Why's and How's Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Adam Scheller, PhD

This is a 30 minute webinar on the nuts, bolts, and everything in between with regard to the Dyslexia Index Scores.  

With mounting regulatory pressure on school districts to implement an identification plan for students with dyslexia, there comes an increased need to have diagnostic tools that are both theoretically and psychometrically sound. Schools and clinicians need tools that allow high risk decisions to be made with a high degree of confidence. Breaux & Lichtenberger's (2016) work on The Dyslexia Index Scores for WIAT-III and KTEA-III provide us with just such tools. Pearson invites you to attend this 30 minute webinar on the nuts, bolts, and everything in between with regard to the Dyslexia Index Scores. Conducted by Pearson's Dr. Adam Scheller, this "how to, what, and why" session will provide you with the information you'll need to make a decision about adding these tools to your Dyslexia assessment toolkit.

Also, please watch for information on upcoming related sessions in the Dyslexia assessment series. Dr. Scheller will conduct a session for Dyslexia Case Study Analysis on 11/8/18; and we will hold a joint session on 12/7/18 with Drs. Kristina Breaux and Adam Scheller on The Analysis of Differential Diagnoses in Dyslexia.


KTEA-3 and WIAT-III Dyslexia Index Scores: The What's, Why's and How's
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