MTSS Problem-Solving 3: Intervention & Implementation Webinar (Register Now)
In this webinar participants will be introduced to the foundational components of an MTSS Framework.
Presenters: Dr. Doug Maraffa & Dr. Adam Bauserman
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a prevention-based framework on which to develop tiered systems of (Academic) support, (Behavioral) support, & (Social Emotional Learning) support for all students. MTSS allows for a system level change on how we support students, which is driven by a data problem-solving model. Currently, the tiered-models most used for academics is Response to Intervention (RtI) and for behavior is Positive Interventions and Supports (PBIS). It is important to note that RtI is primarily used to identify students who are struggling academically so interventions can be matched to improve academic achievement. Further, MTSS also includes identifying high-quality instruction in order to prevent those academic struggles identified by the RtI process. So, it is important to establish preventative and intervention methods of instruction to improve student’s academic growth.
In addition, it is also critical to establish preventative, proactive, and intervention methods to promote positive student behavior. The use of a PBIS can be used to develop a problem solving tiered level model of interventions which significantly impacts the student’s learning process. The foundation for behavioral support will be based on the core competencies for Social Emotional Learning promoted by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).
This MTSS webinar series will include 4 blocks of learning opportunities provided over the 2019-2020 school year to facilitate the development of a tiered level problem-solving model for student behavior.
In the first introductory webinar, participants will be introduced to the foundational components of an MTSS Framework, and be able to:
- Identify the steps in an MTSS Problem-Solving Model
- Identify a systematic process of Data-Based Decision-Making
In the second webinar, participants will be introduced to the first & second step in the MTSS Problem-Solving Model (i.e., Problem Identification & Problem Analysis) and be able to:
- Identify a process to identify students’ tiered level of needs
- Identify a process to streamline the intervention plan process
In the third webinar, participants will be introduced to the third step in the MTSS Problem-Solving Model (i.e., Intervention & Implementation) and be able to:
- Identify a continuum of Evidenced-Based Interventions
- Identify how to establish an implementation plan for Interventions & progress monitoring
In the final webinar, participants will be introduced to the fourth step in the MTSS Problem-Solving Model (i.e., Evaluation) and be able to:
- Create evaluative procedures to analyze the MTSS – Behavioral model’s effectiveness
- Identify a data analytics process to evaluate intervention fidelity
- Identify a data decision-making process to create an action plan for improvement