Identifying and Supporting Sensory and Motor Needs in Educational Environments Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Susan Nickelson and Shelley Hughes

Meeting the sensory processing and motor needs of individuals in educational settings is vital for participation and success. Challenges in these areas may underlie or exacerbate many social, behavioral and learning difficulties faced by students.  

Meeting the sensory processing and motor needs of individuals in educational settings is vital for participation and success. Challenges in these areas may underlie or exacerbate many social, behavioral and learning difficulties faced by students. This webinar will highlight sensory and motor assessments and strategies available to educational professionals across settings, including special educators, speech language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and school psychologists.

Explore Motory and Sensory Assessments


Identifying and Supporting Sensory and Motor Needs in Educational Environments Webinar (Recording)
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