Once an examiner has completed the enrollment process, access is granted to the Examiner Portal. The Examiner Portal is our hub, which we use to keep examiners up to date on projects. It is also a place to find important resources to support examiners during each project. Examiners will recruit candidates, and work with the Research Team to learn to use the portal and to manage project assignments.
All candidate information is entered into the Participant Reservation Questionnaire, which is found on the Examiner Portal. Each reservation will be reviewed by the Research Team who will send an email to inform you of which of your reservations were approved or not, and to provide you with and Examinee ID and a Test Event ID for each participant. The Examiner may be required to participate in some training before administering any testing for a project.
Before testing any candidates, a completed Consent Form is required for an adult examinee, or a completed Parent/Guardian Consent Form and an Assent form for examinees 17 years and younger.
A Participant Demographics Form should also be submitted for each candidate before testing. Examiners can copy and paste the link to the Participant Demographics Form into an email or text to adult examinees, or the parents of examinees 17 and under. Otherwise, examiners can fill out a form on the Examiner Portal to have the Participant Demographics Form sent to participants or parents.
Each Field Research project will have its own Project Reference Guide with details pertaining to it. Some tests are administered digitally while others are completed in a paper-and-pencil format. The assessments are often individually administered, while others may be completed by someone who knows the test candidate, such as a parent or teacher.
Once an assessment is completed, examiners should review their work to ensure that they have completed all required fields and accurately recorded all required data. Once an assignment is completed, data is reviewed to ensure that all administration rules were followed and to ensure that the data are usable.