Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update (KABC™-II NU) is a culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Choose from our products

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    2 options

    from $194.30
  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    4 options

    from $3.50
  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    15 options

    from $23.80
  • Training

    Onsite, virtual & on-demand trainings

    7 options

    from $550.00
  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for KABC-II NU

    28 options

    from $3.50
- of 28 results
  • KABC-II Normative Update Kit (Print)
    25042 Qualification Level C

    Includes KABC-II Manual (Print), KABC-II NU Normative Update Manual (Print), Stimulus Easels 1-4 (Print), Story Completion Book (Print), Rover Booklet (Print), Word Order Card Set (Print), Story Completion Cards (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print), Set of Manipulatives, and soft-sided carrying case


    1-4 $1,886.70
    5-9 $1,792.40
    10-24 $1,698.00
    25-50 $1,603.70
    51+ $1,509.40
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KABC-II Manual and KABC-II Normative Update Manual (Print)
    25043 Qualification Level C

    Includes 2004 Manual (Print), 2018 Normative Update Manual (Print)


    1-4 $194.30
    5-9 $184.60
    10-24 $174.90
    25-50 $165.20
    51+ $155.40
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Score Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    64000 Qualification Level C


    1-4 $3.50
    5-9 $3.40
    10-24 $3.20
    25-50 $3.00
    51+ $2.90
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Scoring Subscription 1 Year (Digital)
    QG1KA2 Qualification Level C

    Includes unlimited scoring per user within an account


    1-4 $65.60
    5-9 $62.30
    10-24 $59.10
    25-50 $55.80
    51+ $52.50
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    21015A Qualification Level C

    For use with 2004 KABC-II norms only; see item 25041 for use with 2018 norms


    1-4 $152.80
    5-9 $145.20
    10-24 $137.50
    25-50 $129.90
    51+ $122.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Normative Update Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    25041 Qualification Level C

    Forms require a copy of the KABC-II NU Manual Supplement (25047) for access to updated Critical Difference Tables.


    1-4 $152.80
    5-9 $145.20
    10-24 $137.50
    25-50 $129.90
    51+ $122.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Stimulus Easel 1 (Print)
    21002A Qualification Level C

    Includes Atlantis, Conceptual Thinking, Face Recognition, Story Completion


    1-4 $349.80
    5-9 $332.40
    10-24 $314.80
    25-50 $297.40
    51+ $279.90
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Stimulus Easel 2 (Print)
    21003A Qualification Level C

    Includes Number Recall, Gestalt Closure, Rover, Atlantis Delayed, Expressive Vocabulary


    1-4 $364.10
    5-9 $345.90
    10-24 $327.70
    25-50 $309.50
    51+ $291.30
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Word Order Card Set (Print)
    21014A Qualification Level C

    Includes two 8x8 cards


    1-4 $24.30
    5-9 $23.20
    10-24 $22.00
    25-50 $20.70
    51+ $19.50
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Story Completion Book (Print)
    21006A Qualification Level C

    Includes 40-page, full-color booklet for the Story Completion subtest


    1-4 $111.40
    5-9 $105.90
    10-24 $100.30
    25-50 $94.70
    51+ $89.20
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II NU Overview Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000197872 Qualification Level C

    This 3-hour session provides an overview of subtest administration and scoring and basic interpretation of KABC–II NU results. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Advanced Use Live Webinar 3 Hours
    A103000197873 Qualification Level C

    This 3-hour advanced training session provides in-depth analysis of KABC–II NU subtests, scales, and global indexes. Participants will learn how to use KABC-II NU results to identify and describe a pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Administration, Scoring, and Basic Interpretation Live Webinar 6 Hours
    A103000197874 Qualification Level C

    This 6-hour session is designed for individuals who require in-depth training on subtest administration and scoring and a basic understanding of profile interpretation. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Administration, Scoring, and Basic Interpretation In Person 6 Hours
    A103000197875 Qualification Level C

    This 6-hour session is designed for individuals who require in-depth training on subtest administration and scoring and a basic understanding of profile interpretation. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Overview and Advanced Use Live Webinar 6 Hours
    A103000197870 Qualification Level C

    The first half of this 6-hour session provides an overview of subtest administration and scoring and basic interpretation of KABC–II NU results. The second half of the session provides an in-depth analysis of KABC–II NU subtests, scales, and global indexes. Participants will learn how to use KABC-II NU results to identify and describe a pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Overview and Advanced Use In Person 6 Hours
    A103000197871 Qualification Level C

    The first half of this 6-hour session provides an overview of subtest administration and scoring and basic interpretation of KABC–II NU results. The second half of the session provides an in-depth analysis of KABC–II NU subtests, scales, and global indexes. Participants will learn how to use KABC-II NU results to identify and describe a pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II NU Live Question and Answer Virtual 1 Hour
    A103000197876 Qualification Level C

    Price includes up to 40 people per session. This 1-hour Q&A session supports participants who have attended a previous session or are familiar with the assessment. A Pearson expert will meet with participants to address follow-up questions and support specific assessment-related needs. To use the hour efficiently, participants may submit questions in advance. Q&A sessions do not include handouts or slides.

    Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.


  • KABC-II Manipulatives
    21010A Qualification Level C

    Includes set of plastic shapes, yellow blocks (4), triangles (9), Rover Dog, and storage box.


    1-4 $106.20
    5-9 $101.00
    10-24 $95.60
    25-50 $90.30
    51+ $85.00
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Story Completion Card Set Qty 1 (Print)
    21008A Qualification Level C

    Includes set of 84 3x3.5 cards in a storage box


    1-4 $371.20
    5-9 $352.70
    10-24 $334.10
    25-50 $315.60
    51+ $297.00
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KABC-II Stimulus Easel 4 (Print)
    21005A Qualification Level C

    Includes Block Counting, Word Order, Pattern Reasoning, Hand Movements, Rebus Delayed


    1-4 $335.80
    5-9 $319.00
    10-24 $302.20
    25-50 $285.50
    51+ $268.70
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KABC-II Rover Booklet (Print)
    21012A Qualification Level C

    50-page, full-color booklet for the Rover subtest


    1-4 $118.20
    5-9 $112.30
    10-24 $106.40
    25-50 $100.40
    51+ $94.50
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KABC-II Stimulus Easel 3 (Print)
    21004A Qualification Level C

    Includes Verbal Knowledge, Rebus, Triangles


    1-4 $335.80
    5-9 $319.00
    10-24 $302.20
    25-50 $285.50
    51+ $268.70
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:6 weeks
  • KABC-II Q-global Easel 1 and Administration Directions (Digital)
    A103000241548 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The stimulus book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable.


    1-4 $342.90
    5-9 $325.80
    10-24 $308.60
    25-50 $291.40
    51+ $274.30
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Easel 2 and Administration Directions (Digital)
    A103000241549 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The stimulus book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable.


    1-4 $342.90
    5-9 $325.80
    10-24 $308.60
    25-50 $291.40
    51+ $274.30
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Easel 3 and Administration Directions (Digital)
    A103000241550 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The stimulus book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable.


    1-4 $342.90
    5-9 $325.80
    10-24 $308.60
    25-50 $291.40
    51+ $274.30
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Easel 4 and Administration Directions (Digital)
    A103000241551 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The stimulus book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable.


    1-4 $342.90
    5-9 $325.80
    10-24 $308.60
    25-50 $291.40
    51+ $274.30
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Word Order Card Set Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000241526 Qualification Level C

    Includes two cards; once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


    1-4 $23.80
    5-9 $22.60
    10-24 $21.50
    25-50 $20.20
    51+ $19.10
    Savings are estimated
  • KABC-II Q-global Manual (Digital) and KABC-II Normative Update Manual Supplement (Digital)
    A103000243935 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. They are view-only digital files.


    1-4 $190.50
    5-9 $181.00
    10-24 $171.40
    25-50 $162.00
    51+ $152.40
    Savings are estimated


Age range:


Qualification level:
Completion time:

25 to 55 minutes (core battery, Luria model), 35 to 70 minutes (core battery, CHC model)



Scoring options:

Q-global™ web-based scoring or Manual scoring

Report Options:

Score Summary, Scale Profile, and Achievement / Ability Comparison Reports

Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Product Details

The KABC-II NU has a broad theoretical base, making it the instrument of choice for all cognitive assessment applications.

Normative Update

For current KABC-II customers, you do not need to purchase a new kit. The only new items needed are the KABC-II NU Manual Supplement (25047) and the KABC-II NU Record Forms (25041). The KABC-II NU Norm Update Supplement will come with a sticker you can place on the KABC-II Manual to remind you to utilize the norms from KABC-II NU Manual Supplement.


  • Fairly assess children of different backgrounds and with diverse problems, with small score differences between ethnic groups.
  • Get insight into how a child receives and processes information to help pinpoint cognitive strengths and weaknesses
  • Be confident you're getting a true picture of a child's abilities — even when language difficulties or cultural differences might affect test scores.
  • Answer referral questions and test hypotheses with fully normed and validated supplemental subtests.


KABC-II NU scales include: Simultaneous (Gv), Sequential (Gsm), Planning (Gf), Learning (Glr), and Knowledge (Gc included in CHC model only)

  • Dual theoretical model: choose from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model or Luria model for a global score that is highly valid.
  • A nonverbal option can be used to assess a child whose verbal skills are significantly limited.
  • A wide range of scales and subtests are designed to minimize verbal instructions and responses, and give a detailed picture of cognitive ability.
  • Provides correct Spanish-language responses and teaching text on the easels and record form. 
  • No need to purchase a new kit for current KABC-II customers.


View list of scales


Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.

Learn more




Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response

What was the normative sample for the KABC-II NU?

A normative sample of 700 children and adolescents ages 3 years, 0 months to 18 years, 11 months was collected. The sample matched the U.S. population on the stratification variables of gender, race/ethnicity, parent education level, and region. Each year of age between 3 and 18 was represented by 50 children, equally divided between males and females.

Is the KABC-II NU linked to the KTEA-3?

Yes, when an ability/achievement comparison is needed, the KABC-II NU is linked to the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | 3rd Edition (KTEA-3).

What do I need to buy if I already have a KABC-II Kit?

For existing customers, the only new items needed are the KABC-II NU Manual Supplement (25047) and the KABC-II NU Record Forms (25041). The KABC-II NU Norm Update Supplement will come with a sticker you can place on the KABC-II Manual to remind you to utilize the norms from KABC-II NU Norm Update Supplement.

The same KABC-II easels, manual, stimulus, and manipulative materials will be utilized with the KABC-II NU.

What do I need to buy if I am a new KABC customer?

New customers will purchase the KABC-II NU kit (Item Number 25042). This kit contains the same KABC-II items plus the Manual Supplement and the new Record Forms. The manual will have a sticker applied to the cover to remind you to utilize the norms from KABC-II NU Manual Supplement.

A new manual purchase (Item Number 25043) will include the KABC-II Manual along with the KABC-II NU Manual Supplement. The manual will have a sticker applied to remind you to utilize the norms from KABC-II NU Manual Supplement.

Do I need a new Q-global Scoring Subscription for the KABC-II NU?

No, your existing Q-global Scoring Subscription for the KABC-II will continue to be used. Any assessment completed after the publication date of the KABC-II NU will utilize the new norms.

Do I need to purchase a separate code for individual Q-global KABC-II NU Score Reports?

No, you will continue to utilize the existing code, 64000.

Can I still see historically completed KABC-II Assessments with the old norms in Q-global?

Yes, assessments completed before publication of the KABC-II NU will still be able to be scored using the old KABC-II norms.

Do you test bilingual examinees who speak both Spanish and English?

Although the Knowledge/Crystallized Ability subtests must be administered in English, correct responses in other languages are given credit. The KABC-II NU provides correct Spanish-language responses and teaching text on the easels and record form. This makes scoring easier and more accurate.




The following training events are available for KABC-II NU Kaufman Assessment Battery | 2nd Edition.


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