PLS-5 and CELF Preschool-3: Selecting the Appropriate Test for a Young Child Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Patricia Ybarra and Nancy Castilleja

At this session, presenters will provide information that will enable participants to describe the differences between CELF Preschool-3 and PLS-5 and explain how clinicians can select the test that provides useful information about a child’s language skills. Using case studies, the presenter will describe differences in the type of data provided on each test and explain how differences in the format and content of the tests can contribute to score differences.

While Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 (CELF Preschool-3) and Preschool Language Scales, Fifth Edition ( PLS-5) examine children’s language abilities in the areas of semantics, morphosyntax, pragmatics, and preliteracy, each test examines language skills in a very different way. The purpose of each test differs, and the selection of skills addressed, the organization and format of the test tasks, as well as the depth of content coverage differ between CELF Preschool-3 and PLS-5.

It is important that clinicians understand caregiver and teacher concerns when selecting the test that will provide the most comprehensive and relevant information about a child’s skills to address the referral questions and plan the most appropriate intervention plan.

At this session, presenters will provide information that will enable participants to describe the differences between the two tests and explain how clinicians can select the test that provides useful information about a child’s language skills. Using case studies, the presenter will describe differences in the type of data provided on each test and explain how differences in the format and content of the tests can contribute to score differences.


PLS-5 and CELF Preschool-3: Selecting the Appropriate Test for a Young Child
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