Digital Toolkit for OTs Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Chuck Eberle, Shelley Hughes

This web recording focuses on better understanding Q-global, our web-based system for test administration, scoring and reporting. The hosts go into detail on the benefits of going digital - including time and cost savings. Additionally, we discuss key OT tests available on Q-global including Bayley-4, PEDI-CAT, Sensory Profile 2, BOT-2, and BMAT.

This web recording focuses on better understanding Q-global, our web-based system for test administration, scoring and reporting. The hosts go into detail on the benefits of going digital - including time and cost savings. Additionally, we discuss key OT tests available on Q-global including Bayley-4, PEDI-CAT, Sensory Profile 2, BOT-2, and BMAT.



Digital Toolkit for OTs Webinar (Recording)
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